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I sighed as I brought out my textbook from my locker. Today is gonna be like any other school day. Long lessons and boring hours.

As I tiredly closed my locker I jumped to see Soyeon standing with her arms crossed.

"Oh my god." I breathed with my hand on my chest. "Warning much?"

"You're so pathetic." She scoffed.

I raised my eyebrows. "Excuse me?" She hasn't spoke to me in a year and this is the first thing she says to me?

"After what you did to me, you're gonna do it again to my friend, Miyeon." She said.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know your games. Jeongin thinks you're gonna help him with Miyeon but when he finally gets her you're gonna make him fall for you." She accused.

I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Seriously, after 1 year of not talking to me she accuses me of something I've never did once.

"I told you. I didn't know you liked Jaemin. You never told me, how was I supposed know?" I argued.

She just gives me a disgusted look. "You found a way to know. You're the school's mole remember or at least that's what you like to be called?"

Before I could saying anything she started again.

"You stop this now or something will be coming towards your way." She warned.

I didn't say anything.

"You wouldn't want to relive that again, right?" She smirked before walking away, making sure to bump into my shoulder.

I let out a frustrated sigh before kicking the lockers in front of me, earning a few looks from classmates passing by.

"What? Haven't seen an angry teenager before?" I said with an unamused laugh.

Then I felt myself suddenly turn around with someone's hands on my shoulders.

"Hey are you alright?" Jisung asks with concern written all over his face.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I sarcastically said. I put on a exaggerated smile making sure he notices.

He drops his hands and sighs. "What happened?"

"Jeon Soyeon." Is all I said. Jisung knew the whole story and he sighs knowing what I mean when I just said the mentioned girl's name.

"Did she say something to you? Did she do anything to you?"

I was about to tell him everything then I remembered that the whole helping Jeongin situation was a secret.

I shook my head, "Don't need to worry. This is between me and her. Nothing I haven't handle before."

"Wait your class isn't even on this side. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh right. So the boys and I are coming over again and they want you to join us this time, considering you did leave last time." He said.

"You couldn't just text me that?" I chuckled.

"I could but I wanted to tell you this in person." He started to lean in.

"I'm pretty sure Felix has a little thing for you." He whispers then leans back chuckling.

"How would you know that?" I asked the boy.

"After the whole meeting for the first time at the house he wouldn't stop talking about you. So I think that covers it."

"Aw Mr. Freckles? How cute, but not my type." I shrugged.

Jisung chuckled. "If you plan on letting him down, please be nice."

I smiled. "I'm good with people. If anything we might become best friends."

"That role has already been taken." Jisung pouted. I just chuckle at the boy. "Why are you still here?"

"I just wanted to see my favorite girl." He started to do a little cute dance. I cringe at the boy. "Go on before you're late to class."

He stopped dancing letting go of the pout and chuckled. "Fine. But I'll see you after school."

"Yeah yeah." I waved 'bye' before heading to my class.


As always I am the first one to arrive home. It might be my lack of friends but who knows, those two boys always take long anyways.

Whatever I'll just change and wait for them to arrive.

After about 10 minutes of just standing in the middle of the living room, having no idea what to do now I hear the front door open.

I skipped over to the entrance and saw my brother enter first. Then when the other guys started to move in I greeted them.

"Welcome back boys. It's good to see all your handsome faces again." Most of them greeted back.

Then I see one boy blush in the back. Lee Felix.

Ahh I see what Jisung's talking about now. How cute.

"Is anyone hungry? Because I'm quite hungry myself." I said as I patted my stomach.

"Why don't you use the money Mom left us and order some fried chicken?" Minho suggested.

"Oh right the money. Thanks for reminding me. I'm gonna order us fried chicken and watermelon juice. Be right back." I exclaimed.

(Jeongin's pov)

"Your sister is so cool. Why can't you be cool like her?" Seungmin said.

Minho widened his eyes like he was offended. "What are you talking about? I'm cool. In fact I'm cooler than her. Where do you think she gets all of that from?"

Seungmin cried out laughter, holding his stomach. "Stop making me laugh." Minho just glares at him.

"Okay well I'm gonna go and pick up the food. I don't want to just sit and wait for it to be delivered." Y/n said as she came back to the room.

"Have someone go with you." Minho said.

"I'll take anyone." Y/n shrugged.

"I'll go with you." I said immediately without much thought which earned a few looks from the guys.

I stood up and walked towards the girl. "Okay. Let's go Innie." She smiled as she links her arm with mine.

Which didn't phase me once because knowing how close Y/n likes to be, I've gotten used to it.

Innocent |Yang Jeongin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now