Part 1: The Royal Seamstress

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Originally, this book was a short novella written for the Open Novella Contest 2020, but since I've been asked for more to this story, it will now be made into a novel, divided into 4-5 part, each containing 20 chapters. 


This part - The Royal Seamstress tell the story of the young seamstess, Elizabeth Webb, who is seamstress at King Henry VIII's royal court. 

She gets a difficult assignment to make three impossible dresses for the new Queen, Jane Seymour.

She takes the task to her heart and does everything in her power to solve it, but the task of making three impossible dresses is not the only thing coming her way. She is facing diffucult choice and must navigate the Tudor Court with only one purpose - to stay alive with her head in her shoulders.

I hope, you look forward to read the first part of this little serie of 5-books-in-1-book

Best Regards!

Anna Mattson

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