Chapter 11: The New Role

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Henry lay on his back in the large bed. One of his arms was wrapped around my body. I was curled up against his body. My head was placed on his shoulder. It was almost romantic. If I had been married to him, I would almost have claimed he loved me, but I knew he did not. He was just fascinated by me. Possessed. Even though he had made a deal with me and promised to teach me modern languages and Latin, he still only wanted the physical share of my body in return. I still felt like a whore. Now more than anything. He had taken my maidenhead. I was no longer a virgin and if I was ever to be married, I had to view myself as incredibly lucky, since I was no longer clean and untouched.

"How far have you come with the dresses?" he asked suddenly. I looked up at him. He gave me a little smile. It was clear he tried to care for my job as a seamstress, trying to show some interest. I actually felt flattered by him asking me such a non-important question. As a King he had more important things to think about than my sewing, but then it came to my mind, what he had told me, when I had been given me the task in the first place. I was to be his mistress, if I didn't complete my task to a satisfying degree. Now I was in his arm. Long before I had even shown him the three dresses.

"I'm almost done," I answered. "Only the last dress needs decorations."

"I look forward to seeing them," he said.

"What about the choice you gave me?" I said. "You told me, if you weren't content with the result, I was to be your mistress. On the other side if I did make it right, I was free to choose."

"Yes, I remember. You've already become my mistress. I guess you're not asking me for a choice to leave me?" he said and gave me a serious look. "Otherwise I'm not going to give you what you want."

I nodded. I knew very well he never would teach me the things I wished for, if I chose not to be his mistress anymore. Then I would just be a fallen woman with very bad chances of ever getting married. No man would have a woman, who lost her maidenhead before marriage. Not even if it was to the King of England. The only way to have a chance of a better future was to keep being his mistress and use it to my own advantage.

"I'm not going to leave you, Henry. Don't worry. I have something you want and the other way around. I was just trying to understand what the consequences are if you don't like the dresses?"

"There are no consequences. If you have done a good job, I will on the other hand reward you instead. I will give you jewelry and dresses."

"But since I'm the one who makes the dresses at this court, I'm then to understand that I am to make a dress for myself?"

He laughed. I looked at him with a wondering gaze. Why was he laughing? Did I say something funny?

"Sweet Elizabeth," he said before caressing my cheek with his hand. "I meant I was going to order a fine dress for you all the way from France or Italy."

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what he had just told me. He would actually use his own money on me, buying fine gifts. Apparently, I had to mean something to him since he was willing to do this. I had to believe his words. Believe, that he really liked me.

"I don't know what to say," I said. "It's too much, Henry. I can't accept such fine gifts."

"You have to," he said. "It's my pleasure to give them to you."

I smiled at his words. I stretched my neck, kissing him on the cheek. I had to speak with him about Margaret's wedding next week. She wanted me to attend but as the King's mistress I didn't know whether I was allowed to or not.

"Henry," I started. My voice was weak. "Margaret is going to be married next week. She wants me to be there, but I am not sure whether I'm allowed to attend or not since I've become your mistress."

"Normally, you aren't allowed, but since you know this girl very well and are her only close friend at court, you're free to go and attend."

I couldn't have been happier. He was just so generous. Margaret would be so happy when I told her. She would probably jump up and down in pure joy. Someone also had to keep her in the right place, making her pray and believe in God. She didn't have her maidenhead anymore and I hoped for her of all my heart, that the man she was to marry didn't accuse her of being a whore.

"Will you have your first lesson in Latin now?" he asked with a grin.

I couldn't hold back my own grin. The fact he was the King and asked my permission was quite humorous. We both knew he was the one in charge, but he clearly liked to tease me.

"Yes, please," I said.

He rose from the bed. Found some books and placed them before me. I opened one of them. Looking at all the letters on the page. All I had ever dreamed of was the ability to read this. Henry picked up one of the books. Making ready to teach me. He started reading from the first page. It sounded beautiful coming from his mouth, almost like a love language.

"It's beautiful," I said. "It's a pleasure to hear you reading it out loud."

"And now it's your turn," he said and handed me the book.

Word count: 996 words.

Total word count: 12549 words.

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