Chapter 6: The Question

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I was angry with myself for even considering accepting his offer. I couldn't possibly do such a shameful thing. I would become a fallen woman thanks to the King of England. How was I ever going to avoid it? How would God judge me, if I actually took the chance and became his mistress. Something in me drew me towards him. It wasn't his status as King. It was something deeper.

When he had left me, it had come to my mind I had forgot to ask about Margaret's situation. I had to ask him today. It couldn't wait any longer. I needed to safe Margaret.

As I had finished breakfast, I went up the stairs and into the corridor which held the door to his Majesty's room. I needed to catch him before he went into the public rooms. Lord Norfolk would be present later in the public rooms and asking the King for mercy to ban Lord Norfolk from court wasn't a possible thing if he were present.

I knocked at the door. The chamberlain opened the door and I stepped inside. Henry was in bed still. The chamberlain led me into his bedroom. Henry sat on the mattress. His one leg was naked, and an ulcer was being drained. It was nasty and smelled so terribly awful. The physician pressed at the skin and Henry screamed.

"Miss," the physician said. "You shouldn't be in here."

Henry's eyes sought the person his physician was talking to and he eyes collided with mine. He looked almost wild at me.

"Elizabeth," he whispered. "Please come here."

I walked towards him. Crawled into the bed. He grabbed my hand as the physician pressed once more on his leg. I saw how the pus came out. A mix of yellow and red thick fluid ran onto some linen cloth. The poor King was in terrible pain. I gave his hand a comforting squeeze. He looked at me anxiously.

"Don't tell anyone about this," he said. "No one in England can know about this. Otherwise they will see me as weak and crippled."

"Your Majesty, no one will see you as weak. You're ordained by God. You will be just fine."

"No, Elizabeth. This ulcer will never disappear." I nodded. He lay his head on my shoulder. "Hold me."

I put my arms around his torso. His eyes were closed as the physician pressed one last time and dried the fluid away.

"Your Majesty," he said. "If anything occurs just call and I will do my best to help your Majesty."

Henry nodded and the physician left the room. Henry still hadn't risen from my shoulder. Actually, he had just sunk deeper into it, my body supporting his weight.

"It's painful," he said. "And it makes me tired."

"Perhaps your Majesty should take a little nap before going into the public rooms?"

"I can't. There's so much work. I have a meeting with the counsel today and I need to look like I'm fine."

"Then let me help you get up and ready," I said. I started to move, but he stilled my body.

"No, don't leave me, Elizabeth."

"I'm not leaving you, your Majesty. I was just going to help you get dressed."

"Then I will have to leave you afterwards and I don't want that either. I just want you. All of you."

"Henry," I sighed.

"I love the way you say my name, though I would wish it was under more pleasurable circumstances."

I shook my head. I had never been spoken to by a man like he did. He made me feel alive and free. Like I had a chance for something more than I was intended for. I could almost touch the sky by hearing his voice. Reaching the star, I needed to use for last of the dresses he wanted for the Queen.

"I can't stay," I said, trying to get up from his bed, but he didn't let me go. He took hold of my body and smoothed it all the way down until I lay beside him. He had turned himself and half his body lay onto mine.

"Don't run," he begged, stroking my cheek. "Have you an answer for me, love?"

"An answer?" I asked confused. "I came here to ask your Majesty a favor."

"Tell me then."

"My sewing girl, Margaret Spencer has had an incident with Lord Norfolk. He wanted her to lay with him and she has refused. Now she fears for her life, since the Lord Norfolk has threatened her to strip her of everything and remove her from court. Will your Majesty please see that this does not happen?"

"Your sewing girl?" He asked. "Has she offended Norfolk?"

"No, she just refused him."

"I can't abandon him without proves."

"What if I tell you he also tried to ask me, but I was saved by his wife in the last minute. He also lied with Anne."

"Anne?" Henry looked at me with worry in his eyes. At once I understood why. He probably thought I had referred to Anne Boleyn. She had been executed due to accusations of adultery. It had probably been false all of it. Even though I hadn't liked her, she had always been kind to me. I knew her to have had a close relationship with her brother, but never in the way she was accused of.

"Anne was my former sewing girl. She was the girl, Margaret replaced. You had her executed as well."

"Was she innocent?" he asked me. I couldn't believe the King of England had just asked me that question. Normally, women weren't consulted in such matters as they didn't have sense enough. Women was known to act from their emotions.

"Your Grace, I'm no judge or prosecutor. She had lied with Lord Norfolk because she hadn't had a chance to escape him. He promised her a lot of things but had her arrested instead."

"How do you know about all of this?"

"Because I visited her in the Tower when everyone else had abandoned her."

"You're a good woman, Elizabeth."

"I know you are a good man, Henry. An honorable man. Please spare Margaret. She's such a comfort to me. She's like family. I have none but her."

He looked at me once more. Searching my face for the answer he should give. His mouth turned upside a slight bit. Happiness was readable in his face. I amused him. Being a seamstress was just a job consisting of obeying, but I had never been good just to obey. He liked me for being impertinent. Asking things which didn't belong to my station.

"Very well then. I will spare her. She can remain at court, but only if she marries a man I choose."

Word count: 1133 words.

Total word count: 7028 words. 

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