Chapter 19: Marquess of Pembroke

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Just after breakfast the King summoned me to a private audience. I took a deep breath before going to him in his public room. He didn't seem very happy, but who would be happy when many of your closest friends and noble men have been murdered over the night.

"Elizabeth," Henry said. "Sit down."

I looked confused at the chair in the middle of the room but didn't ask any questions. I just did as he asked.

"Yes, Henry," I said. "Why have you summoned me?"

"Lord Rochford and Sir Curtius have both been found dead in Lord Rochford's room this morning. I guess you've already heard."

"I have, Henry. And I'm so sorry for your loss. I heard it from my other seamstress, Margaret. She probably knows about it from her husband."

"They were murdered, Elizabeth. And right now, I'm trying to find the murderer. Many of my men have died in the last months. Some of the sweat, one of poison, one have been executed, one from an arrow and now one has been hanged and one has his throat slid. Dearest Elizabeth I have asked every man in the castle and nobody knows anything about it."

"Maybe they have done it to each other," I said. "I have heard some rumors that Lord Rochford had slept with Sir Curtius' wife. But I have no idea if the rumors have anything true in them."

"It is true."

"Maybe Sir Curtius got angry about it and hung Lord Rochford. Or Lord Rochford managed to cut Sir Curtius' throat before he was strangled in the rope. I don't know."

"How do you know how they died?"

"Margaret told me. Everybody knows, Henry."

"I'm sorry I sound so suspicious, Elizabeth. I just don't want any more of my men to die."

"I'm sure no one will die anymore. But all the deaths have been accidents mostly. The sweat and arrows aren't anything we as human beings can control."

"Maybe you're right. They slept with each other's wives. Maybe I think too much about it."

I sighed in relief. I had finally made him believe in my lies. Maybe I could get out of all this trouble alive after all. I gave Henry a little smile. He smiled back and rose from his seat. He walked down to me. As he reached me, he let his hand touch my jaw very lightly. It tingled.

"I have good news for you, Elizabeth," he said. "I have found a husband for you. He will be presented to you at the Queen's Ball."

"A husband!" I exclaimed. "Pray tell me who the man is."

"Not yet, it has to be a surprise, but I will tell you it is a very good match."

The Queen's Ball was in just two days. I had nothing to wear except for the fine dress the King had given me. I had to wear that dress again.

The two days past by as they hadn't existed at all. I was sad to be getting married. I loved the King so dearly, but I knew I could never have him. I have known this from the very start. And as I stood in the great hall before the King and Queen Jane, I felt my pain even more.

"My dear Elizabeth Webb," Henry began. "Tonight, is also your night. You will be presented for your future husband, but before revealing the luckiest of men, I have a gift for you."

Henry rose from his seat and came down to where I was standing.

"Neal, Elizabeth," he said. "Neal before me."

I did as he said. My glance fell to the floor. It shocked me when Henry placed a crown upon my head. It was a little heavy. I wondered how he was able to endure the weight of having a crown upon his head most of the day.

"Elizabeth Webb," he said. "Today you are no longer just a royal seamstress. My gift to you is to make you Marquess of Pembroke."

I gasped. It had been the late Queen, Anne Boleyn's title before she was made queen. He had only a few years ago given her the same title, and now he gave it to me. He presented me with the large scroll with all the stamps and the legitimation of my new title.

He gave me his hand and I rose to face him.

"Thank you, Henry," I whispered. "I'm just unhappy I have to marry another man."

"I know, but I'm a married man. I can't marry you."

"But you're the one I love."

"I love you too, Elizabeth, but you can't be my mistress forever. I will give you the honor if being the one to give you away to your future husband at your wedding."

I curtsied before turning away and leaving the room. I had to get away. The tears were almost rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't get the man I loved but I had always known that. It just had to sink in. I went to my room and cried my eyes out. The large scroll was placed on the upper self of my closet. I had to get back to the Queen's Ball. The feast was about to start in only half an hour. I splashed a little water in my face and dupped it with a little cloth, before I ran up the stairs and back into the Ball which was now beginning.

"Dear everyone," Henry said, when all the guest was gathered in the room of the ball. "Welcome to the Queen's Ball, which is held in honor of my Queen, Jane. Firstly, I want to announce something. Elizabeth Webb, my seamstress who made three beautiful dresses for my wife are now made Marquess of Pembroke, and she is going to be married. Elizabeth come up here to stand before God and receive the husband who has chosen you."

I stepped forth. My body was shaking. The nervousness crept into my every vein. The blood was roared through my body. Who in this room was to be my husband?

When I reached the King, he came down to stand beside me. He took my hand in his and we turned towards the crowd.

"Elizabeth, Marquess of Pembroke, let me introduce you to your future husband."

I looked at the crowd and Lord Surry came forth. I couldn't be true. No! He wasn't to be my husband, that was impossible. When I was in front of me and Henry, he bowed for his King before addressing me.

"My lady Pembroke," he said. "I will present myself to you as your future husband. I will always cherish you and I know you will be the perfect wife for me."

Word count: 1128 words.

Total word count: 21860 words. 

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