Author's note

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This is my first novella in english, and it's the first time I compete in the Open Novella Contest. If you read this page, thank you so much for clicking on my story, and I hope you will enjoy it. 

English is not my native language, and grammar mistakes might occur. I try my best to correct everything as I go. If you discover some mistakes, you're welcome to tell me. I like to learn from the mistakes I make.

If you are also competing in the Open Novella Contest III - please link your book in the comments. I would really like to read your stories too!

I have used the following two prompts for my novella: 

31. A seamstress is tasked with creating three dresses: one made from sunshine, one from moonligt, and another made from startdust.

45. You are possessed by a demon. The only way to cast it out is to kill 7 people - each representing one of the 7 virtues. 


First chapter will be up soon!

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