Chapter Four: Talking over Tea

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 Chapter Four: Talking over Tea

Seattle, June 14, 2010; 1:00 p.m.

        What is it about coffee that Americans love so much?  It could be the flavor—the warm, nutty, bitter, home-like flavor.  It could be the wafting aroma that permeates the air around it with that heady scent and intoxicates the mind.  It could be the feeling that flows through the drinker's veins as the warm liquid makes its way down their throat.  Then again, it could just be that America has addiction issues.

        Whatever the cause, Americans do seem to enjoy their coffee.  Even in light of the fact that coffee actually originated with the Arabs, the people of the United States are all too willing to claim it as a national symbol, right up there with the red white and blue, the bald eagle, and McDonalds.

         Shimmer, though she would never claim to be American, was particularly fond of the drink.  As she walked in to Cups and Couches, the previously mentioned aroma that wafted around her entered her lungs like a drug, relaxing her body almost perceptibly.  She quite liked the small coffee store—it had a nice ambiance and, Shimmer guessed, good coffee.

         Behind the counter were three young women.  None of them looked older than 25, and the blonde girl who was mixing espresso with foamed milk seemed to be eighteen.  The cashier, a middle-eastern looking woman with curly hair, large eyes, and an equally large smile, greeted Shimmer with a good attempt at enthusiasm.

         "Hi, welcome to Cups and Couches!" She said cheerfully.

         "Um... Hi," Shimmer replied, not sure if she was supposed to be friendly.  "Could I have a House Blend?"

         "Sure, what size?"

         "The medium one.  Please."

         "No problem," the woman said, grabbing a paper cup.  "Do you want me to leave room for cream?"

         "No thanks," Shimmer replied, wondering how she should go about asking to meet the girl she was looking for.

         "Ok.  Will that be all for you?"

         Well, if that wasn't a chance, I don't know what is.  "Actually, I was told I could find a woman named Rena Farthing here."

         The girl raised an eyebrow.  "Were you?  I'm Rena."

         "I see," Shimmer trailed off for a moment.  "I'm Shimmer, and I need to talk to you as soon as possible."

         "What about?" she asked, glancing at the black haired barista as she took a cup to fill.

         "I think you already know that," Shimmer replied.

         Rena pursed her lips.  "I get off at one thirty."

         "In that case, I'd like a blueberry muffin as well.  Please."

        At one thirty, Rena took off her apron and grabbed her purse, coming over to where the red haired woman sat on a couch.  Shimmer looked up from her comic book, taking a sip from what was now her third cup of coffee.

         "Are you ready?" she asked.

         Rena nodded.  "So, who are you and what do you want with Roger?"

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