Chapter Eleven: Questions on Questions

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Chapter Eleven: Questions on Questions

Seattle; June 22, 2010; 1:38 a.m.

Eyes—they say that they're the windows to the soul. When people don't want others to see within, they close the shutters and block out the light. Nevertheless, emotions are still visible on the rest of the face, and even the shutting of the eyes cannot keep out the sensations of the world.

When Shimmer opened her eyes, it was to find two green orbs studying her face. Nash had opened his eyes as soon as he sensed the memory was at a close, while Shimmer had kept hers shut for several more moments.

They looked at each other in silence for several minutes, neither wanting to be the first to speak.

"So," Shimmer finally said. "Did that explain it?"

"It explained more than I could have hoped."

"But?" Shimmer asked, sensing that there was more going on in Nash's mind than what he had said.

"But it gave me more questions."

"Like what?"

"Like... well, you're not a trusting person, that's for sure, but you trusted Garland almost immediately."

"I trusted him, but not entirely."

"Do you now?"

"No... but I did once."

"Do you trust anyone completely?"


Nash thought for a minute. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you want to know," Shimmer said. Then, hesitantly: "And because I trust you... kind of."

"Why me? You haven't opened up to the others," Nash stated, intrigued.

"Why do you have so many questions?" Shimmer snapped at him.

Nash threw up his hands. "Sorry, just trying to understand."

Shimmer sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry, this isn't easy for me."

"I know," Nash told her, touching her arm lightly.

"Anyways," Shimmer went on, "I mean trust in a different way. And in the conventional sense as well, I suppose."

"What way is that?" Nash asked, smiling. Shimmer suspected that he knew exactly what she was trying to say.

"You're really going to make me say it?"

"Yep," he said, popping the 'P.'

She sighed. "I mean that I... enjoy... your company."

Nash's smile grew. "Aw, Shimmer, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Shut up," she muttered.

"For the record," Nash said, "I enjoy your company, too."

Shimmer smiled awkwardly.

"I think that this is the part where we hug."

"That's not happening, Grant."

"Still with the last name?" he tisk-ed. "You hug Garland."

"Shut up and hand me whatever that is."

Nash looked to where Shimmer was pointing and smirked. "Ha. I knew you liked cinnamon."


As had happened every day for years, Nash's eyes opened at exactly four o'clock in the morning. However, for the first time since coming to the ISDA headquarters, the telepath merely rolled over and slept again.

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