Chapter Nine: Intrusions

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Chapter Nine: Intrusions

Seattle; June 21, 2010; 4:28 p.m.

"Shimmer, I really don't think this is a good idea," Nash said.

     "Then leave."

     "That's not what I meant..."

     "Then what did you mean? You were the one who insisted on coming with me, and now you are complaining about my methods."

     "I know... It's just that this is wrong. It's really, really rude."

     "I don't adhere to most social conventions."

     "I've noticed," Nash muttered. "But you can't just break into the guy's office."

     "I didn't break anything."

     "Shimmer!" Nash said exasperatedly. "Why can't we wait in the waiting room like normal people?"

     "Because we're not normal. I don't like the looks people give me."

     "I understand that, but it's not grounds for breaking into the most important man in this agency's office!"

     "I didn't break anything," Shimmer repeated. "You can go wait in the hall if you like, and I'll be out when I'm done."

     Nash grumbled to himself but remained where he was, leaning against the wall of Samuel Garland's office. Shimmer, looking decidedly more at ease than Mr. Grant, was lounging in one of the chairs across from the desk, her legs thrown over the arm.

     The two stayed in this position for several minutes, the only sound the turning of the pages of the book lying in Shimmer's lap.

     From outside of the door, a shuffling was heard. Then, the door swung open and Garland walked in, busying himself with a stack of papers. Nash, who quickly pushed off of the wall with an anxious look on his face, was the first thing Garland saw.

     Garland stopped, midstride, and stared at him, his eyebrows drawing together. Then, his eyes flicked over to where Shimmer was still in the same position, book in lap, and realization spread over his features.

     "Shimmer," he said. "I was wondering when you would drop in. It's good to see you."

     Shimmer closed her book slowly. "Same to you, Garland. All right?"

     "Yes, thank you. I'm doing quite well."

     "I heard you wanted to speak with me."

     Garland sat down in the large chair on the other side of the desk. "Yes, I did. I'm glad you came. It seems as though you are settling in well."

     "I'm doing fine."

     "Good, good," Garland said. "I see that you have become less opposed to the idea of a partner," he said, his eyes flicking to Nash. "Please, Mr. Grant, sit down."

     "I don't think that my opposition really matters in this case," Shimmer replied as Nash sat next to her, looking wholly relieved. Shimmer picked up a pencil from Garlands desk, swirling it in her fingers. "I can't seem to get rid of him."

     "You're the one who said a telepath would be useful," Nash retorted.

     Shimmer glared at him while Garland laughed. "Well, I'm glad to know that you are working well with your team. Personally, I would have thought that you would be more drawn to June Sage, as a woman, seeing as what happened last time."

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