Chapter Twenty Three: Deep Thought

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Chapter Twenty Three: Deep Thought

Seattle; July 8, 2010; 2:53 p.m.

Some people love being social. They love the challenge of coming up with interesting conversation, the way talking to others makes them feel. They don't mind the constant worry that they might say something wrong, or they don't worry about it at all. These people are often referred to as 'social butterflies.'

Shimmer was anything but a social butterfly. As a matter of fact, she more resembled a hornet—curious, unafraid and often aggressive. Three days of interviews had her almost willing to rip off her suit and burn it.

"I am beginning to regret not taking more time off," Shimmer growled lowly to Nash after one particularly annoying interviewee had spent an entire hour bawling dramatically, pausing every five minutes to see if anyone was paying attention.

Nash stifled a laugh. "You haven't even gotten to punch anyone yet."

Shimmer rolled her eyes. "I just wish we were actually making headway. The Cult is out there doing god knows what and we're in here talking to overdramatic housewives."

"I think that one was actually a mistress. We get the guy's wife next."

Shimmer groaned.

"I am going to kill someone," Shimmer announced as the door to the conference room closed behind her.

"I have a few suggestions on who," Nash told her brightly.

"Who else do we have to suffer through?"

Nash glanced at his phone. "No one, we're done for the day."

"Thank whatever god is out there," Shimmer said, her eyes going skyward.

Laughing, Nash asked, "What's the plan then?"

Shimmer raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we're done with that a bit early, so I was wondering what you wanted to do. We could go find someone for you to punch."

"Sounds lovely," Shimmer said, walking pointedly towards the elevator.

Only steps away from her escape, Shimmer was stopped by a man running out in front of her. "Mr. Grant, ma'am," he said, nodding to each of them. "Ms. Sage asked me to find you. You're needed on level Seven."

Nash grinned as Shimmer visibly resisted shouting at the man, her jaw ticking to the left as she swept a hand through her hair angrily. "Very well," she told him after composing herself.

The man scurried away as the two super heroes walked into the elevator. "You seem a bit tense, Shimmer," Nash noted.

"What tipped you off?" she asked sarcastically.

Nash ignored her. "It seems urgent, so maybe it will be a good thing."

"Since when is 'urgent,' a good thing?"

"Since it means that we have a job that needs doing, away from the interviews."

"You make a good point, Grant."

"Just ignore Cane as much as possible, and we should be fine," Nash advised her, receiving a glare.

Shimmer spent the rest of the elevator ride massaging her temples.

"What do you need, Sage?" Shimmer asked, immediately upon entering their private conference room.

"We've found a target. Theodore's program identified someone that the Cult is probably interested in," June replied, smiling. "Mr. Haywood is ready whenever you are, Mr. Grant."

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