Ch 21:

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The sun comes through the binds, even though it's made of thick materials.

I groan as the sun hits my eyes. I lazily open them and sat up.

I remove the blanket and got up to the bathroom, hoping I didn't oversleep.

I changed into a more comfortable material for the training later, an orange shirt with flowers as the design and a skirt that fits up to my knee level.

I tie my haori sleeves around my waist as I walk out to see the younger kids waking up slowly.

"Good morning, do have breakfast okay?"I playfully ruffle their bed hair.

They hum in response as they rub their eyes and sat in the dining room.

I enter the living room to see a lively sight. The older kids are arguing as they wait for Mako to be done with breakfast.

"Y'all be quiet for once would you?"I sounded irritated to silence them.

It was then Mako came with the food, wondering why it had gotten so quiet all of a sudden.

The food was quickly served as the children cheered.

"Hai hai settle down, it's only 7 am right now..."I pick up my utensils and started eating.

"That makes you sound like an old woman you know?"They all snicker at the comment.

"Hmm double the trading for Mr Ice here."

"What nooo!"He cried out as Mako made note of it mentally.

"Do clean up and train afterwards okay?"I got up from my seat and travelled to the compound.

Arriving, I can hear shouts from the recovery room/training room.

I slid open the door to see Tanjiro trying to get hold of Kanao's hand.

I hum to myself as I walk towards Aoi, giving her a 'good morning!'.

Tanjiro then falls as he failed to touch Kanao's hand.

"Ouch Tanjiro-kun, should we increase stamina training?"I flinch at his fall.

We let him catch his breath before moving onwards to running.

"Mm, should we do 12 today?"I happily look over to catch their reactions.

Zenitsu just groans while the two agreed.

"Hai!"I lightly smack their backs.

We all jog at a light pace while I was at the back, keeping an eye on them.

"Keep your body straight while running, more oxygen gets to enter then."I corrected Zenitsu as he began to slouch.

"Keep going y'all!"I cheer as we were on the last lap.

"Just this every day.."Tanjiro was panting as we finally cross the line.

"I just work over my body's limit haha."I pat his back before entering the estate.

I decided to skip his water breathing training and went home to oversee my students training instead.

I see them doing strength and speed training under Mako's guidance as I catch his attention.

"Haru-san, your back.."He gave the signal for them to rest.

"How's Kaki and Hoshiko?"

"They are training in the forest right now."He points at the two jumping around in the tree branches, playing a game of catch as they try to not fall.

"Do save some energy for your own training."

He bows as I left to check on the two.

"Clumsy footwork but it can be improved."I sneaked up from behind Kaki as he fell from the tree branch.

"Pfft."I held my hand up to stop my laughter from being heard.

"Kaki!"Hoshiko then jumps down from the branch she was on.

"You two are best fitted for Moon and Sun breathing, two opposites yet you get along like peas in a pod."I shake my head as I look at them.

"Ready to start training?"


Hours pass by quickly as the sun starts to set behind the volcano.

"Jog about 10 laps around the house every day, increase it as you go."I pat Hoshiko's head.

She hums in response as she places Kaki's arm around her shoulder to help him move to the estate.

'You may have trained them too hard y'all know?'

'Oh shut up you bird.'

I walk inside to see the other kids waiting.

"How's everyone doing today?"I sat down.


"How's yours Mako-kun?"He sat down after giving out the food.

"Flower breathing is interesting to combine with, I suppose.."

"I should call you fire flower from now on yeah?"I ruffle his hair while giggling.

"And is the combinations working for everyone else?"

They nod their head while chewing their food.

I was interested as to why people didn't combine two breathing styles to increase their power, turns out it's way harder than it seems.

Water can be ice, strong to block yet dangerous to get hit by. Fire and flower into a more defensive yet powerhouse. Mist and thunder, hidden yet can strike hard at any time.

They simply have to train their bodies to handle it. I watch them as they eat their food.

"Mako-kun do inform me if anyone doesn't correspond well to the typings."

He nods his head in response.

"I have Hashira duties today, do sleep on time."I got up and went to change into my demon slayer uniform.

I adjusted my mask and step outside into the night. I usually have to patrol the neighbouring villages before reporting back to base.

I walk along the rooftop quickly, not to alarm anyone who lives in the houses.

Hopping from house to house,I take in the cool night air before sitting on a random roof.

Relatively the demon sightings have decreased ever since I became a Hashira, not because Muzan stop turning people into demons but I was hunting them down faster than he could turn. I yawn as the moonlight reflects off my body.

The cool breeze washing over me once in a while, crickets chirping and the ever so rustling of tree leaves.

I took out my notebook from one of the pouches on my belt.

'This village is done for today..'I scribble down before closing it and landed on the ground to start making my way to the base.

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