Thinking Before Rebuilding

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"Claire!!!" Its mom, and I don't even have to say how mad she is. Where do I hide? Celiling? No, I can't do that. Closet? No too obvious. Bed? No even more obvious. Out the window? No that'll get me killed. "Claire what on earth were you thinking?!" "I was feeling sick" I said and put on a sad face. "Don't lie to me, you know what?! You are not to come out of this house, you are GROUNDED!" She screamed and stomped out of my room. After she was gone I closed the door and texted Justin:

-Meet me I'm front of your house in ten. Bring enough clothes for a week.

-I'm not even gonna ask, I'll meet you there.

I turned off my phone and started packing, two t-shirts ,underwear, tooth paste, deoderant, perfume, all good to go. I think I just forgot one little minor detail, how the hell am I gonna get out of the house without mom seeing me? As I went down the stairs I saw that mom was glued to the computer so I took my chance, I snuck right past her and she didn't even notice. When I got to Justin's he was already outside pacing. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Don't ask just come" I said pulling him in the other direction. "No, tell me or I'm not coming" he says stopping. "Fine, were gonna rebuild it" I said. "Rebuild what, the chip? But it isn't broken." He said staring at me with questioning eyes. "Well, I took a close look at it and it seems to have little dents on the sides, like it may have been part of something else" I explained to him. "Oh ok, and were gonna go get someone who REALLY does know what he's doing?" He says. "Yeah that pretty much sums it up" I said nodding.

As we approached the tarin station I could see the dim light of the ticket booth. Inside was a middle aged man with a "life sucks" kinda face. "Excuse me sir, two tickets heading for Carnation Ville please" I said in such a friendly voice that I couldn't recognize myself. "Here you go, that'll be 16.50" he said handing me the boarding tickets. As I passed him the cash, I caught a glimpse of what looked like a bright light that crossed at lightning speed across the dark night sky. As we entered the station which was more than empty Justin looked at me and said "Did you see that?". "Yeah I did, creepy huh?" I said but it didn't really bother me, there were much more important things that stupid light which could've been anything. "Yeah... Creepy.." He said in low voice. I could here the Carnation Ville train approaching, but the sounds came much more before I even got a glimpse of the actual thing, it was as if my hearing had been enhanced. But that's just something that happens in story's and movies it couldn't actually happen in real life.... Could it?

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