Welcome queer Harry Potter fans

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Hi there, welcome to my book, now this is my first time writing oneshots so I'm kinda nervous. The grammar is ok-ish and I'm hoping the story line is alright. Now as the title says, this book is incredibly gay. So if you happen to be homophobic/transphobic then I shall say this once....... GeT tHe FuCk OfF oF mY bOoK!!

Now that I'm done with the rant, I shall introduce myself. My name is Harry, she/her, 15 years old and pansexual. I am also very British, and have a very potty mouth. No tea and crumpets shit here (well I mean I like tea, but have you ever seen a Brit that doesnt?).
If my bad language offends you then I do not recommend reading on. All the stories will contain strong language so yeah. I'll be adding my favourite songs to each chapter. I'll tell you if there's any smut, if you are uncomfortable with that then I'll show you where it starts and ends with these ♡°♡ or if it's the whole chapter I'll put it in the title.

I think that's announcements and introductions finished, so let's get on with the book. Enjoy, Harry Potter gays :)

LGBTQ+ Harry Potter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now