Say you wont let go - Drarry

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A/n:- ok, I see too many smutty drarry oneshots so I'm doing a angsty fluffy one. This is set in their 6th year, Harry is pretending to date Ginny to help cover up her relationship with Luna as she isn't ready to tell everyone yet and doesnt want Luna to get teased more than she already is. This is where Draco is crying in the bathroom. The song is relevant this time.
Enjoy :)


TW: Attempted suicide


Ginny's PoV:

It was just another average night in the Gryffindor common room. Well, as average as it could get. Since Voldemort was back, the common room was empty, despite it being only 8 o'clock. Though all this empty space was eerie sometimes, it has its advantages. Since no one was there, me and Luna were free to kiss and cuddle for as long as we'd like. Eyes closed, and stroking her hair, these were moments of pure bliss. Plus, I asked all my dorm mates to leave at 9 o'clock because I had something planned for my partner. Immediately they thought that clever Ginny Weasley had found a way to get The Boy Who Lived up the stairs. I was grateful that Harry was pretending to be my boyfriend. Poor Lu would get teased for being Pan, as well as being called 'Loony' Lovegood. Funnily enough, Malfoy had stopped calling her that.

"Ginny?" Luna said suddenly, causing my eyes to snap open, looking down at the golden blonde girl, still lying with her head in my lap.
"What is it Lu?" I whispered, leaning down and kissing her nose, slowly making my way to her mouth. I placed a light kiss on those gorgeous, plump, strawberry coated lips, and she smiled.
"Is it ok if I sing to you?" She said, sounding nervous but still not opening her eyes.
"Do you even need to ask? You've got such a beautiful voice, I'd love that." I replied

"I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel made  feel as thou enough
We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up

Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest"
She hummed the chorus and I snuggled down with her.

All of a sudden, Luna stopped humming and sat bolt upright. Shaking her head, she started to look about wildly as though she'd just had a nightmare.
"Lu? What are you doi~~" I was cut off by her hand covering my mouth.
"Someone's coming!" Luna whisper shouted, looking at me frantically. I looked in the direction of the portrait hole where Luna was also looking. I drew my wand, readying to obliviate the one who was about to step out of the portrait hole.

"Relax, Gin, it's only me" a familiar voice said. Lu visibly relaxed and I sighed, but smirking at the same time.

"Oh, hiya babe" I teased, it was Harry.
"Oh, hello Harry, how are you? You seemed to be troubled by something" Luna said, she had a knack for reading people, however Harry was clearly stressed.
"Harry? Are you ok?" I asked cautiously, in case he broke down.

"Actually, Gin, no I'm not."

"What is it? Is everything ok?" I asked, worry clear in my voice.
"Nothing's wrong, I'm just.... conflicted 's all" he replied, rubbing his neck and blushing.

Wait... blushing? Harry hardly ever bushed. Me and Lu looked at each other with identical grins. We both knew exactly what was on his mind.

"Who's lucky enough to have grabbed the chosen one's interest?" Luna asked, beating me to the question. I smirked, knowing that the moment I started prying, he'd break.

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