Flower Crowns- Linny

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A/n:- this one is set after the war, Ginny has just come out as lesbian and has finished things with Harry. She's now quidditch captain, Fred doesnt die in the war because I just cant do that to him. Luna is pan because I just get those vibes from her. Pure fluff, not a smutty chapter
Enjoy, HP gays :)


3rd person PoV:

It was the beginning of March, and the springtime flowers were early. Daffodils, daisies, snowdrops and bluebell grew in the cool, shaded areas where large groups of trees grew. One spot in particular had two girls sat in there, enjoying the gentle breeze. Ginny and Luna, this had been their spot since the end of 2nd year, this place was an outlet for them both.

Ginny was finishing her potions essay for Professor Slughorn, whilst Luna was elegantly weaving various flowers into what appeared to be a flower crown. The girls chatted about nothing and everything, just like they had every Saturday since 2nd year. Ginny ranted about how hard quidditch practice was. While the blonde sat there and listened patiently, as she knew the red head needed and outlet. She listened to how Ginny explained that things were really difficult, especially since Harry was no longer playing as he didn't want to be famous for that too.

Eventually, the blonde brought up love interests, making Ginny's ears go reder than her fiery hair. "Why is she so pretty?"  Luna thought to herself as Ginny tried to get her words out.
"W-well... um... n-no, not r-really. Er, what about you, Lu?" Truth be told, Ginny had had a crush on Luna since 3rd year, whilst her crush on Harry was almost gone. The reason she dated all those boys in the first place was to try and shake the feelings she had for her best friend. That never happened though, the feelings just grew.
"Yes, I suppose I do. Although, I think she might be a little nervous to admit she feels the same way" Luna said as she tied off the crown. It was woven of daffodils and daisies, the flowers creating a beautiful complex of yellow and white.
"Here, I thought the colours would go well with your lovely hair" Luna added in her forever dreamy tone that just made Ginny blush more.

Luna had always been in love with Ginny. From the day they met on the hills of Devon in Ottery St. Catchpole, she had fell head over heels for the girl with the head of flames. Despite being 7 years old, Luna knew that she would have that girl as her own. She spent countless hours, days and weeks with Ginny, and every passing moment she spent with her was bliss. Now, after the war, and so many lives being lost, Luna knew that it was now or never to tell Ginny how she felt, a small part of her knowing that Ginny also felt that way.

The blonde carefully placed the flowers on her crush's head, and she was right, the yellow and white contrasted with the vibrant orange perfectly. Ginny reached up and touched the flowers, not wanting them to break. This was the most beautiful thing Luna had ever given her, and she didnt want to damage it.
"Thank you, Lu, I love it so much." Ginny breathed,"like I love you" she wanted to add, but thought better of it.

The girls sat in a comfortable silence, with nothing but the scratching of quill against paper as Ginny finished the last inch of her essay. When she'd finally wrote the last word, she turned to look at Luna. The setting sun casting a gorgeous pink glow on the girls face, making her blonde hair look snowy and her features even more beautiful.
"Fred and Lee sent me a letter today" Ginny said, not wanting to look away from the angelic woman in front of her.
"Oh really? What did it say?" Luna asked, not really paying attention for the question as she felt Ginny's gaze travel around her body.
"It said they were getting married, and that I was supposed to be Fred's 'best man'! I'm supposed to bring a plus one, I was wondering if you wanted to come?" Ginny asked, hoping Luna would pick up that she was sort of asking her out.
"Yes, I'd love to come with you Gin" Luna smiled.

After a couple of minutes, Ginny decided that she would try and make a flower crown for Luna, seeing as she was kind enough to make one for her. She picked some bluebells and snowdrops and started to weave them together. This was going well for a while but then the stems snapped and Ginny started to her frustrated. Luna noticed this and giggled.
"Here, let me help you with that" she said and took Ginny's hands into her own and started moving them to weave a flower crown.

"Hey, Lu?" Ginny asked, not entirely sure what she was doing.
"What is it Gin?" Luna replied, still weaving the stems of the flowers with Ginny's hands, but looking into her eyes instead.

"Would it... c-can I kiss you?" The red head questioned, stumbling over her words.
"I dont see why not." Luna said as she tied off the second crown. Placing it on her head, she gazed into Ginny's eyes as the ginger launched herself forward, locking lips with the  woman in front of her. A spark lit in the pit of her stomach, an unexplainable warmth shot through her delicate body like lightning through a metal rod.

They pulled away, the blonde swaying.
"It seems I am mistaken, she isn't too nervous." Luna giggled, "In fact, I think she's quite confident."
"Wait, you meant me earlier?!" Ginny said, sounding incredibly shocked.
"Honestly you Weasleys can be daft sometimes, yes I meant you!" Luna laughed, Ginny starting to laugh as well.

"So, my flower crown was needed then?" Luna said once their laughter died down.
"What do you mean love?" Ginny asked, truly confused by what the blonde meant.
"Well, you cant be my queen without a crown." Luna answered simply, making Ginny blush again for what felt like the millionth time that evening.
"I suppose we better head back to the castle my dear, after all we wouldn't want to get caught." Ginny said, straightening her flower crown and standing up, offering a hand to her girlfriend.
"Yes, let's." Luna replied as she stood up. The pair shared another kiss before linking arms and heading back to the castle, neither quite believing that what they thought was impossible, just became possible.


Hey, so this one is a lot shorter, but I really like it. Like I said it's really fluffy, other than deamus, linny is my OTP. So yeah, feel free to leave comments, suggestions and requests. I'm hoping I laid this one out better to make it easier to read as I am aware the the last one was a little blocky. Oh, and also, Happy pride HP gays!🏳️‍🌈

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