Missing Piece ~ Deamus

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A/n: hello my darlings. I've been working on myself and my mental health since I went off the rails for quite a while now. Shit hit the fan in my family so I haven't had time and I feel awful for leaving it 'til 2022! Hope yall had a good New year tho. This story is set in their 7th year, Dean is on the run and listens to Potterwatch regularly. River, Rapier and Rodent (in order; Lee, George and Fred) decide to add a 15 minute music section for people (radio is charmed so that no-one can hear unless they're within 10ft of said radio) to lift spirits, and are muggle songs to piss off the death eaters. Please ignore the fact that this is a modern song.
Hope yall enjoy :)


Dean PoV:

"Well my dears, we've come to the end of another potterwatch. We dont know when we'll be able to broadcast again. But you can be sure we'll be back.." I heard Lee's voice crackle through the radio. I'd been on the run for about 3 months, and I liked listening to potterwatch. It just helped me relax a little.

"Now we've got a surprise for you now,"

Rapier (who I'm sure was George, but he refuses to tell me whether or not it was him) said. That sparked my interest. We didn't usually get 'surprises' so this was either really good, or really bad.

"In these tough times, we need a bit of joy in our lives. Sooo, River and I thought it would be good to add in 15 minutes of music for you!"

I was shocked, surely that was dangerous? Thank God, or Merlin, or whoever I believed in anymore, that Ted wasn't here right now. He was always incredibly cautious and, even though he liked Potterwatch, he didn't like putting it on. He said it put us in jeopardy, but Fred and Lee's wedding told me otherwise.

"Our station cant be heard for miles, so any of you who are worried, can stop whittling."

River continued, I breathed a sigh of relief. That did stop me worrying. The songs were great, Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, Good Grief by Bastille, Wannabe by the Spice Girls and Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA all played that night, but that wasn't the reason it was one of the best in my life.

"Now, we've got 3 and a bit minutes left before we say goodbye, so we have one last treat for you!"

Rodent's voice crackled through the stereo, and this confused me. What on earth had the got planned? Making myself a cup of tea, I listened closely to Rodent's voice, and shock hit me when another, oh so familiar one accompanied it.

"Every broadcast," Rodent continued, "after our 4 radio songs, we'll have 1 or 2 songs from one of our dearest friends. We welcome our new arrival, Foxy!"

"Hiya, Rodent! I'm glad you're lettin' me do this, and I'm really looking forward to doin' this every broadcast!"

I spat out the tea I'd just took a sip of as the sweet, thick Irish accent I loved came through the radio. It was Seamus, my Shay. The boy I had to leave behind, the boy I fell for in my second year at Hogwarts, the boy I had to stop contacting a month into being on the run because we were both in serious danger. The boy I was madly in live with and missed like fuck. He was there, on the radio, about to sing.

"No problem Foxy, we're happy to have you!"

River replied perkily. The joy practically radiating through his voice.

"Tell us what song you're gonna sing for us, we're dying to know."

Rapier added, I turned the volume up slightly. I really wanted to know, but Ted would be back soon and I didn't want to miss my Shay singing.

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