Educational decree number 31 is bullshit - Free

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A/n:- hi, welcome to the first chapter, slightly smutty to begin with so I've marked it like promised. It gets more comedic as it goes on and gets fluffy towards the end. The songs at the start probably wont have anything to do with the chapter unless I say so.
Enjoy :)


Fred PoV:

"Lee" I said in a hoarse whisper, any louder and I wouldve moaned. His incredible body pressed mine against the wall of the prefect bathroom. "What are you doing?"
"Doing myself and you a favour, because I'm pretty sure you feel the same way" Lee whispered softly onto my ear with that gorgeous husky voice.

"What do you me-" I was cut short by a pair of dark, soft, perfect lips on mine. Immediately, I kissed him back. The kiss started off soft and slow and marvellous in every way, I gently bit down on his bottom lip, asking him permission for my tounge to explore that wonderful mouth of his.

Soon we were making out, the both of us stood against the wall in just our boxers. I decided to go a little further, so I pulled away, making Lee pout. His pout was soon replaced by a gasp as I trailed kisses along his jawline, and then his collar bone.

Soon enough I found his sweet spot as he moaned. Licking, biting and sucking and leaving a large purplish bruise. Proud of my work, I went back to his mouth and reinitiated the kiss. He started moving his hips against mine, my hard on growing harder. He reached down to pull off my box----♡°♡

I jolted awake, my pillow vibrating. Fuck you Percy!! My perfect prefect brother charmed all of our family's pillows to wake us up at 6.30 every morning! Even weekends! Meaning I never finished that glorious dream. Realising I was still very much so hard, I groaned, rolled out of bed and headed for the shower to finish myself off whilst thinking about him.

Lee Jordan. Mine and George's best friend since 1st year. Thing is I've been in love with him since 2nd. Yes that's right. I'm in love with him. I know, it's so wrong, he's my best friend and he doesnt even know I'm gay! The only ones who know are George (I mean we're twins, who doesnt tell their twin everything, and even of you dont, they are practically you and will find out sooner or later), Ginny and Luna.

After I finished in the shower, I dried myself off and walked back into my shared dorm.
"Mooorrrrrnnniiinng" an all too familiar voice called to me.
"Good morrow to you too dear brother, sweet dreams?" I teased George and he stood up straight and pranced over,
"Yes quite, and you? I suppose you had that same one, the one dear big-head boy brother interrupts every morning?"
Another thing, George also knows about my little crush.

"And why do you say that?" I said half jokingly, half serious as although George is a good guesser, I must've slipped up somewhere.
"Well, you got out of bed, naturally I was awake because of brother dearest. Anyway, you mumbled something and then went, and you should thank Merlin he was downstairs already, 'please Lee, just be mine so I can have that beautiful body and fucking gorgeous mouth all to my self'" he said mocking my early morning tone.

Hoooollllyyy shiiit

"Fuck" I groaned pulling my hair whilst George checked his own in the mirror and chuckled.
"Oh come on Freddie, let's go see what new bullshit decree old dumbass Dumbridge with her fudge thirst has come up with... then we'll break it" he finished with a sly grin.
My face lit up and I returned his grin, linking arms with him as we set off down to the common room.
"Yes, let's"

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