all I need ~ Deamus

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A/n~ hello people, tis I. Had a gender crisis, and a sexuality one, so I've taken a fuck long break to sort out my mental health and shit. I'm going by she/they and I'm certain I am a lesbian. Got a girlfriend too sooooo, yeah. Anyway, sorry I've made you guys wait, and thank you those who have voted. Anywho, I've been working on a oneshot for my otp. This is from Seamus PoV and I can confirm it will be better than previous oneshots. Hope you lot enjoy


TW: Mentions of Abuse, alcoholism and use of homophobic slurs. All triggers will be underlined.

My first gay awakening occoured when I was around eight-years-old at me cousin's wedding. I remember every single detail of that day's events, which is unusual for me as I usually remember fuck all. I was reluctant to go because weddings meant dressing up, whereas I would rather be at home in the stables. However, this was not the case as I eventually dressed up in some sort of navy coloured suit.

My cousin (prized prat Penny, as I've always called her) decided it was a good idea to have her wedding during the height of summer. So the suit itched like fuck. Unfortunately for me, dad glared when I tried to itch my neck, so I continued to suffered in silence.

We were all sat in neat little rows as the couple said their vows 'n shit, all me aunts and cousins/friends and what not were gushing over how beautiful the bride looked. I knew what they were sayin' and yeah, she looked pretty. The dress flattered her figure, but beautiful? I just couldn't see it. The first awakening thought of that day was thinking how beautiful the groom looked, rather than his soon-to-be wife.

I was getting very bored, very quickly. So the chances of a pyrotechnics display were increasing by the minute. But the fiery tendencies relaxed when the balding grey-haired vicar asked for the rings and the bearer seemingly appeared from nowhere. Ding! The cause of the big gay awakening.

This boy was about 15 or 16, with mousy brown hair and caramel latte-coloured eyes to match. The suit he was wearing suited both his eyes and his hair, knocking the little air I had in my chest (due to the suit) clean away. 

I remember scanning his muscular frame, thinking how stunning he looked, much more so than the bride or groom. He handed them the rings and went to stand beside the groom. I didn't realise I was staring until he locked eyes with me. I felt myself flush red whilst he just chuckled to himself. I stared at my feet, thinking about him for the rest of that fuck long service.

Eventually, the vicar said something along the lines of "you may kiss the bride", causing everyone to clap and whistle so loudly I thought my ears were gonna bleed. As we all left, the thought of cake and food made my mouth water, but the ring bearer was still in my head. Everything from his infectious laugh to his brilliant brown eyes swam around in my head, making my heart beat faster than it does when I'm going over a jump or flying around the field.

I didn't speak most of the walk to the marquee reception, which must of caused concern within me mam. She started to ask me what I was going to eat for dinner and what songs I was hoping to hear playing at the reception. I didn't blame her, bad things happen when I'm quiet for too long, and mam knows that.

We eventually got to the marquee and we sat at the table with me aunt Cathy and uncle Michael. Mam hugged her sister and uncle Michael asked me about school (mam had insisted I go to a muggle school like her and her sister did before they went to hogwarts). Dad, on the other hand... well if looks could kill then me aunt and uncle would've died years ago.

We all sat and ate and chatted whilst dad drank his arse off, as-per-usual. We eventually got to the point where the bride and groom had their first dance and everyone started going down onto the dance floor. I took off my blazer and danced with mam, dad still drinking. After what felt like hours of dancing, mam said her feet were sore and that she wanted to got sit down. It just so happened that I wanted a drink, so we went our separate ways.

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