Chapter 4: "Your a what?!"

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CakeyPie029 here~ and I wanted to say that I made this an early chapter due to a friend of mine wanting a bit more. So please enjoy~ (^w^)


Already in the afternoon and I'm picking blackberries with Henry. "Hey Henry, wanna snag some berries while they don't notice?" I asked with a sound of mischief in my voice. "Yeah that sounds cool, Shortie--I mean Annie!" I said while stuttering. I knocked his head with a bang to follow up. He winced. "If you can't take the pain then don't agitate me, alright you slughead." He flustered and said,"It didn't hurt so much because your weaker than me," he said with a smirk. I knocked him again but he grabbed my wrist and then I winced a little. "Hey! I still have that bruise!" I yelled with pain. "Sorry," he said while letting go.

A few minutes later passed and me and Henry were picking the fruits that were ready while I snuck a few apples. A moment later we heard a clipity clop sound in to distance along with a sound of wheels.

"...Annie! My darling! I'm home!"

"What was that, Henry?" I asked not knowing what I heard.

"I didn't say anything. It must be your imagination," he said not knowing.


I shrugged it off and took whatever I could back to the kitchen but with some extra for me, Henry, and Margaret. As me and Henry got back, we spotted a horse and a carriage cross by us almost running us over after that sharp turn. "You blubbering idiots!!" I yelled back in anger while dropping a few fruits. I picked them back up and saw the carriage stopped. I took Henry's quite muscular arm, how unexpected, and said,"Run for life, sucker! I'm not dying young, today!"

We ran through the forest and stepped onto a path. I heard some clops of a horse behind us. I dragged Henry more and more, but Henry got ahead of me and started to drag ME! Have I really gotten that slow?! He ended up picking me up and carrying me up a tree, and we sat on a branch high up in the tree. The horse ended up passing us and I noticed the guy on the horse... AH! It was Isaac! I jumped down from the branch. My legs now sore and I plopped on my behind and yelled,"HEY! ISAAC, YOU BLUBBERING IDIOT!" He immediately turned around and raced towards me. It looked like he was about to run me over and I couldn't move. He stopped a few feet in front of me and asked,"Why is a young maiden sitting in dirt?" Henry jumped down and looked fine after that. Show off, my thoughts said. "She's sitting here because she jumped down from that branch up there," he said while pointing up.

"Well, we'll be off," Henry said while picking me up. Isaac grabbed his shoulder and said,"Well you look kind of weak and she looks to heavy for you so I'll take over." I scowled at him and just did a heavy sigh. "Girls, girls, girls. Quite your fussing and just let me down I think my legs are strong enough to get up this hill," I said with distaste.

They just looked at me and Henry let me down. I wobbled up the hill repeating "OW!" in my head over and over again. As I finally made it up, a dude with a funky, blue and yellow, puffy outfit came running past me yelling,"Your majesty! Where have you been you suddenly just took off after saying 'That's her!' And what do you expect me to do if you got hurt!" Said the crybaby which he was actually crying!

"Uah! I wanna go to the kitchen and cook fo~od!" I pleaded while sneaking off and Henry following not caring.

"Wait!" Isaac said,"Hold on. Come here."

I walked over with Henry following. I'm starting to think he's a dog because he follows me. "Yes," I said with a thump.

"Why are you entering this estate?" He asked.

I thought he asked the stupidest, yet quite cute, question in the world."I live here, doofus." I think he got used to my smart mouth because he didn't snap.

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