Chapter 2: "What is this feeling?"

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"Woah! I need to go to a hospital!" I thought intensely to myself. Henry came up to me wondering why I have been having this sickening look on my face for the past week. "It's nothing, Henry. I just probably have a heartache and probably need to visit the hospital." Still having a worried expression, he skipped off to Margaret who was cleaning the fireplace.

"You know what. I haven't seen the Fire Alarms (Upgraded) and Wicked Witch of West in a while, not that I want them to be here."

"ANNIE?!" Charlotte yelled at the top of her lungs this time."WHAT!" I yelled back because the thought of that man a week ago made my heartache worse, and I wanted to not here those thumps.

"Do NOT yell at a mistress who is about to see a prince charming that's super ultra HOT--wait where are you GOING COME BACK!" Charlotte yelled right back. I wanted to gag from all this boy hot stuff, so I walked away with her telling me what to do and asking where I'm going." I may be a maid to you all, but I ain't a thing you can drag around town," I said confidently to myself. Turns out Henry was right under the staircase laughing his butt off while I was walking away catching him in the corner of my eye. I turned around when the Fire Alarm walked away to go upstairs. I walked over to him and thinkers him in the head and ran away when this game turned into tag.

Time passed and the upstairs sounded like a jungle the past three hours." The HECK is going on up there!" I yelled with annoyance." I heard it was because of a prince that was visiting every girl personally for some odd reason," Margaret said while handing a bowl of soup to Henry because it was lunch time. *THUMP THUMP* "AGH!!" I yelled with pained expression." My heart hurts!! I think I might be sick... I'm gonna go to Dr. Agard, brb!" I left with my hand on my chest and I'm stumbling a little bit because of my two left feet on these rocks!

**********(Setting~ Doctors)


"Come in, come in," said Dr. Agard with a happy voice. As I walked in, I asked why he was happy." Oh! I'm happy because I found out my child in my wife's stomach is a girl!" I had wide eyes when I heard this." Congratulations, Dr. Agard!" I said excitedly," What are you going to name her then." *THUMP THUMP* " AGH!!" Just remembering why I came here I asked," I have a heartache that keeps coming and I need an examination." He sat there in his chair put his glasses in place and just realized the patient was me, Antoinette Pierre." Oh my goodness all my life I have been the doctor of your family and you've NEVER been sick. It may just be feelings, y'know"

"I know but my heartache keeps getting worse and more worse. I think it may have to do with the exercises I do some of the time."

"Okay, if that's what you think then I'll ask questions first, okay? Okay," he said while answering himself.

"What was the first thing you ate this morning?"

"Soap..... kidding! I ate tart, which was bitter."

"Mhmm.... what kind of exercises do you do?"

"Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, lot of 'ups', and thumb wars with Henry (which was recently added)."

"....... Okay I figured out that you just have an emotion going on so no need to worry, okay? Okay."

I got little confused but dealt with it anyway. "Oh yeah good luck with the baby Dr. Agard!" I left without letting him say thank you. Even at his age he can a child (which is 40) that's quite superb!

As I walked home, I bumped into a person. Without thinking I said," Watch where your going, punk!" He looked at me funny with those dark, blue eyes of his with black, silky bangs hanging down on his face and said," I beg your pardon but have we met before?" I was clueless at the moment and just started lecturing him consistently," I don't know who you are or WHAT raised you, but you shouldn't bump into a person! And I would like to say that your being quite RUDE for flirting at this time of the day!" His eyes went wide as if he had never been spoken to like that." Umm.. I'm sor... ry?"I let a sigh escape my mouth and said," Well either way flirting with an elder here (She's 17 and thinking he's younger) even though your tall you must be at least 15 so you should apologize the right way now--!" *THUMP THUMP* "OWW!!! Dr. Agard said it was an emotion, why now!" I thought seriously to myself,".... But I think I'm having a heart attack!!"

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