part 2

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Jade gets ready while putting some makeup on. Her flat mate Zak says she needs to leave or she will be late. After a long while of jade getting ready she finally makes it to perries house. She walks up to go and knock on the door.
Perries opens it

"Jade!!! Your here come in come in" perrie says excited to see her

"Jezz pez we saw each other a few hours ago. Whats up"

"Look over there"

"Oh my god he's fitttt" jade says as she is smiling

"Go get him girl" shouts Leigh Anne

Jade starts to walk over. She taps him on the shoulder

"Ummm hey" says an award  looking jade

"Oh hey" says trent as he smiles "wanna drink ?"

"Love to"

2 hours later

"So I've gotta go home it was lovely seeing you though" says Trent

"Of course you too"

"Don't miss me to much"

"As if"


"Give us your phone" jade says as she is smiling

Trent hands jade his phone after she is done putting her number in. He says goodbye to everyone and heads off. Jade walks back over to the girls

"Oooo" Leigh says while laughing

"Hey! Where's jesy ?" Asks jade

"I don't know" perrie says with a confused look on her face
1 hour later jesy turns up

"Miss Jessica Nelson your late!" Shouts Leigh Anne and perrie as they joke around

"Sorry guys"

"Come on join the party they been teaseing me all night" says jade

"How come ?"


"Ooo someone got a boyfriend we don't know about"

"Not you as well" she rolls her eyes in a jokey way

The next morning. Jade goes on Instagram and sees Trent posted

Trent Alexander Arnold

Caption:Chilling waiting for jade to text me back be like

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Caption:Chilling waiting for jade to text me back be like ...
Likes: 12.4k
Comments: 14.3k
@jadethirwall: keep wating won't be much longer
^^^@trentAlexanderArnold: don't have me waiting all day ms thriwall
@perriedwars: okay this tea
@alexoxladechamberlain: wow just wow
@jesynelson: what the fuck did I miss???
@fan27: omg
@littlemixer: nah fr what just happened
@leighannepinnock: better not keep him waiting much longer jade

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Private messages



                  Jade:how you ?

Trent: good u ?

               Jade:fab, so what is it wanna take me out ?

Trent: ooo yeah dying too

             Jade: come get me then

Trent: omw (on my way)

             Jade: see you soon

A Trent Alexander Anorld And Jade Thirlwall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now