part 15

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Jade decided that she is going to text the girls and tell them everything. She then decides that after that she will take trent out for a meal or something before she tells him incase he breaks up with her. She just wants one last day with him before she knows that that's what he will do


Jade: I need to tell you all something

Leigh: I already know but go on jadey

Pez: what how do you know?

Leigh: just hear jade out pez and you jes

Jes: okay okay we will

Leigh: now dont kick off w her !

Jes&pez: we won't just tell us

Jade: I've been sleeping w my ex jordan for a couple of months


jes: you cheated on him ? Why ? He is such a nice guy jade!

Jade: jordan was blackmailng me u dont understand

Leigh: guys get off her case

Pez: how are we all gonna hang out again jade ? Why on earth would you not tell us about this even if it was blackmail

Jes: I really don't understand you jade 😫🤦‍♀️

Jade: while I'm taking trent out for a meal today just one last time before I tell him

Jes: oh what you gonna fuck him one last time as well are ya ?

Leigh: COME ON JES. Now that's not fair ! Leave jade alone

Pez: okay babes you do you

Jes: I'm out bye. Oh and if anyone asks I didnt know bout this little affair okay ?

Jade: got it

After a while jade takes trent out to his favourite place to eat. They then go for a lovely walk around the park. As jade gets back home she tells trent to sit on sofa because she needs to talk to him.

"What's up bae?" He asks

"Umm" okay jade you can do this she says to herself while tearing up a bit "you know my ex jordan right?"

"Ofc I hate that guy!" Trent says looking scared for about what jade is trying to tell him

"While he sorta blackmailed me in to having an affair with him" jade says looking down playing with her hands

Trent stands up and starts to raise his voice "sorta?!"

"Yeah, he said I had to keep fucking him or he would tell you and the press"

"Oh dont worry bout that the press are gonna find out"

Jade stands up and walks over to trent trying to calm him down "bae please listen to me I told him over and over I love you, but he wouldnt listen. You gotta believe me" jade says sounding worried that she is gonna lose trent

A Trent Alexander Anorld And Jade Thirlwall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now