part 14

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A couple months later. Jade has been seeing jordan behind trents back. And she thinks the press is getting hold of it but if it comes out she knows she is going to lose trent unless he believes that she was actually being blackmailed.


Jordan: so how was last night ?

Jade: leave me alone jordan please!

Jordan: Can't do that. You know I love you right ?

Jade: yeah so you keep saying and ive told you i love trent

Jordan: come round mine and I'll cheer you up

Jade: jordan I can't not right now

Jordan: okay while you have 30 minutes love you 😘

20 minutes since jordan has texted jade . She told trent that she has to go out to the shops. So she can see jordan. Jade knows she is gonna have to tell the girls or someone about this sooner or later

"Babe I'm just heading out to the shops" jade shouts to trent while he is in the shower

"Okay babe, see you in a bit love you" he shouts back

"Yeah love you too"

Jade drives to Jordan's house. As jade is walking to the door jordan comes to open it

"So you came then" he says "come in, come in" jade walks in

"I had no choice" she answers

"You did, you choose to come here, sit down will ya" jade goes and sits down in the sofa

Jade sits down and walks tv for a bit while having a cup of tea

"So we gonna" tilts his head to the side


They start making out on the sofa. He starts to take jade top off as they are still sitting down. They then began to get up and walk in to the bedroom while still making out. When they get in the room jordan lightly pushes jade back on the bed. He starts kissing her while moving lower and lower he starts to take to take off her bottoms moving her underwear out the way flicking his tongue by her clit. As they carry on jade realizes she has to go home

"Jordan stop I have to go" jade says while letting out a moan

"5 more minutes bae"

"No jordan I have to go or else"
"Oh shit--i gotta cum" jade starts to cum "fuck"

"There you go bae, now you can go" he says licking up the cum of the bed

Couple of weeks later

Alex oxlade Chamberlain

Caption: me and me best pal🥺🤍
Liked by: @mo salah, @jadethirlwall, @leighannepinnock and load more

@trentalexanderaornld: fit looks mad bro 🔥
^^^@alexoxladechamberlain: one of me favs as it goes🤍
@perriedwards: oh my god would you look at my boy 🔥😍
^^^@alexoxladechamberlain: my baby😍
@andregray: 🔥❤
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