part 6

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2 weeks later Trent hasn't heard from Jade at all. He goes to see her. Trent drives to Jade's house as he pulls up in her drive he hears someone come out the house. It's Jade

"Missed you" Trent says getting her to notice him as he smiles a little

She smiles a little "me too, how come you came back ?"

"I wanted to see you, I'm sorry for the shit I did and said"

"Don't worry about it, I should have said something about Jordan"

"You didn't need to, something to eat?"

"I'd love to but I'm not dressed"

"You look Beautiful"

"Thanks" Jade says while blushing

10 minutes later. They get ready to leave. After 20 minutes they finish eating and starting looking in some shops. As they realize paps are there again !

"Oh my god" Jade says putting her head in her hands

"Want me to go talk to them ?"

"Nah can you take me home please?"

"No worries let's go now"

Trent takes Jade home

"You coming in ?" Asks Jade

"Oo I'm allowed am I ?" Trent says sirmking

"Yeah of course if you don't piss me off" Jade says while smiling 

Trent goes inside and sits down. While jade goes upstairs to get in trackies. Trent turns on the utd and city game, so far utd are up by one. Jade walks back down stairs. Trent posts on Instagram

Trent Alexander Anorld

Caption: Me and jade made up don't worry guys Likes:15

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Caption: Me and jade made up don't worry guys
Liked by: @jadethirlwall,@jesynelson and load more

@jadethirlwall: I forgave him guys I'm proud of me self
^^^@trentAlexanderAnorld: you should be well done x
@redsforever: Oh My God!!!!
@Liverpool_7: the cutest I can't awwww
@andregray: we miss something ?
^^^@jadethirlwall: nothing to worry about

1 hour later
Jade and Trent starting talking and getting to know each other a lot more

"We going upstairs" Trent asks

"Why ?" Jade says knowing the  reason he wants to go up there
"So we can talk some more. Why you think ?"

"I'm only fucking with you"

They walk upstairs. As they get to Jade's room they start kissing. Jade slowly moves up the bed as Trent is kissing her stomach. He pulls her shirt off and starts you know. He then moves to her legs where he takes her bottoms off

"Ba-- oh my god" jade says letting out a moan "nah I'm --- gon--na cum stoppp babe" he carrys on leaving jade to let out another loud moan

"Shush baby your fine" Trent says licking the cum

Jade checks the time seeing its like 3am in the morning. Trent is sound asleep she starts to diff off to sleep as well

Couple hours later. Trent wakes up. He starts shaking Jade

"Babe ?" Shakes her again "babe wake up a minute ..."

Jade starts to wake up

"What's wrong how come your calling me babe we aren't dating are we ?" Asks jade

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Trent asks smiling

"Fuck yes" A happy Jade says

"Okay now I can call you babe, but I have to go training so I'll be round later okay ?"

"Have fun" Jade says falling back asleep

Trent kisses her on the forehead and leaves

A Trent Alexander Anorld And Jade Thirlwall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now