part 12

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1 year later. Everything has been going brilliant for jade and trent as well as perrie,alex and andre and leigh. Jesy and mo salah confirmed they were dating last summer

Jade phones buzzes


Jordan: hey when you coming to see me I'm in south shields today and the rest of the week ?😫😍 (btw this is jade's ex jordan not jordan Henderson)

Jade: I can't. Trent is here remember x

Jordan: just find a way jade !

"Who was that ?" Asked trent

"No one babe dont worry about it"

"Cheating?" Trent says joking around

"As if silly" jade shouts back turning around smiling "babe I'm going to drive down to Manchester to go Leigh's house I might stay there for the night"

"Love you"

They kiss then jade leaves but she is not going to Manchester. She has gone to see jordan


Jade: where are you ?

Jordan: *sends location*

Jade: okay give me 10 minutes 😁❤

Jordan: okay x😍

Jade thirlwall

Caption: quick post for you guys

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Caption: quick post for you guys. While I go see leigh in Manchester gonna miss youuu @trentalexanderaornld 😫❤
Liked by: @jordanstephens, @troydenny, @mosalah and load more

@jordanstephens: oh my 😍😫
@mosalah: aww trents all alone 🥺
@leighannepinnock: text me a minute ? I gotta something to tell you
^^^@jadethirlwall: okay one minute
@andregray: 🤍
@jesynelson:, your staying w leigh ?
@perriedwards: since when is this happening?
^^^@jadethirlwall: mine and Leigh's secret ennit @leighannepinnock
^^^@leighannepinnock: yeah 😁❤
@leighjade.legends: LeighJadeeee😫😍
@Ilovelittlemix: my girls 🥺💫
Load more


Leigh: why did you say you coming mine ? Your not are you ?

Jade: I need you to cover for me babe🥺😫

Leigh: why what's up ?

Jade: jordan

Leigh: Henderson?

Jade: no my ex 😫

Leigh: oh I got you dont worry bout it

Jade: will andre say anything ?

Leigh: nah he has a game tomoz, so he is staying in the hotel

Jade: love youu🥺❤ like fr

Liegh: me too jadey 🥺❤

Jade goes to see jordan. She gets there. Jade gets out her car to go up to the flat jordan is in.  He opens the door and she walks in

"What is it ?" Asked jade

"I want you back man like fr" he goes to put his hands in hers but  she steps back

"You know I have a boyfriend" jade looks down at the floor with her arms crossed

"So why come here den ? Did you think we was just gonna sit and chat ?" Pressing his lips against jades. Jade then slowly starts pulling away

"Nah I love trent you know that. Me and trent are good for each other me and you aren't!" Jade says getting a bit mad


"Dont call me that!"

Jordan kisses jade for a second time but jade doesn't pull away this time. They walk in to Jordan's bedroom while making out. He starts to take her top off . Jades phone starts ringing she turns around to see trent is face timing her

"Leave it" jordan says kissing her neck

"Fine" jade says starting to make out with him again

Jordan starts getting lower and lower. He take her tracksuit bottoms off.

"Wait--no-- stop --jor-- wh--at ab--out tre--nt ?" She says moaning

"Dont worry bout it. This is our secret"

Jade starts moaning. While jordan is you know.

"St--op imm--a c--um"

"Don't worry about  that I have it under control"
Jordan cleans it up

Jades phone buzzes


Trent: bae are you okay ? Your not mad at me are you ? 🥺💫

After they finish their fun. Jade realizes that trent has text her but she realizes she cant text him back right now since it's like 2 in the morning. The next morning

"I missed that pu--" jordan gets cut off

"Dont even" jade says "This ain't to happen angain got that ?"

"Really cus the press will find out" he says "you sure your in control of this one jadey ?"

"Please" jade begs him not to say anything

A Trent Alexander Anorld And Jade Thirlwall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now