part 4

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Jades wakes up. She goes to get in the shower as her starts buzzing. She looks to see who it smiling she texts them back

Private messages


Trent: had a good interview  I'm taking you out after

Jade: see ya

Jade carrys on getting ready. She heads out to the interview. After 20 minutes of driving she finally gets there

"Hey girls, am I late ?" Jade says running in just before they start

"Nah just on time" Leigh says

"But we heard something about you and a little someone" perrie and jesy tease

"Shushhhh" jade says "its not true"

"Okay girls we gotta start now" says thier management as they stop talking

Interviewer: so hows the lm5 album going ?

All heads trun to jade

"Yeah good"

Interviewer: so what's this album about then girls ?

"Female empowerment" Leigh answers

Getting to the last few minutes of the interview

"So jade ... Dating anyone ?" Asks the interviewer

"Nah single Pringle me" jade says laughing and joking around with everyone

"And there we have it guys jade Thirlwall is single" says another one of the interviewer as everyone starts laughing

30 minutes later jade sees her phone buzzing


Trent: done yet ?

Jade: yeah picking me up yet ?

Trent: omw

Jade: see ya

Trent drives to jades house. They hang out for a while. Well they were out they were spotted by the paps again. They start talking about a party at perries house and who will be in the England team. After a while Trent takes jade home then goes back to his house. All he can think about is jade.

3 days later. Yesterday Trent had gone round to Jade to see how she was the paps also picked that up and jade and Trent have been in the press for a while now. Tonight everyone is going to perries and Alex's house for a party to see who will make it one the England team. They are also gonna see if Andre makes the Jamaica team

Alex oxlade Chamberlain

Caption: yesss party tonight boyssss!!! Maybe this is the night @trentAlexanderanorld to hook up w @jadethirlwallLikes:13

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Caption: yesss party tonight boyssss!!! Maybe this is the night @trentAlexanderanorld to hook up w @jadethirlwall
Comments: 12.8k
Liked by: @jordanhenderson, @perriedwars and load others

@jadethirwall: in his dreams
@alexoxladeChamberlain: we all know its gonna happen
@mosalah: ooo Trent got a girlfriend then ?
^^^@trentAlexanderanorld: have not
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2 hours later


Trent: want me to pick u up ?

Jade: really missing me that much ?

Trent: nah just being a gentleman

Jade: up to you

Trent: ill be there in 30 minutes be ready see ya

30 minutes later. Trent goes to knock on jade's door. She opens and tells him to wait a few minutes because she need to finish her makeup

Trent Alexander Anorld

Caption: guys I told jade Id pick her up in half an hour and asked her to be ready

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Caption: guys I told jade Id pick her up in half an hour and asked her to be ready. Guess what... She left me waiting for her to finish her makeup
Likes: 11.2k
Comments: 12.4k
Liked by: @Leighannepinnock,
@andre gray and load more
@mosalah: girls man they always keep us waiting
@alexoxladechamberlain: how's the dating life treating ya mate ?
@jadethirlwall: I was only five minutes.
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Jade is now ready and they head to the party at Alex's and perries house. Everyone else had arrived so as soon as they went in all the eyes turned to them

"Ooo so you came together. Anything you wanna share" Jordan shouts as they walk in

"Nah he offered to pick me up didn't ya Trent being a gentleman as he says" as jade teases him

"Anything" Trent says putting his hand on his heart "drink anyone ?"

"Yeah think your girlfriend wants one" Andre shouts

"Piss off" jade says walking away to go find the girls

As jade finally finds the girls after ages of walking round the house

"Hey jade" says all the girls "your in the press again"

"Not a surprise" jade says sitting down "I'm not dating him though"

"You act like you to date tbf" says jesy

"We don't though keep up"

A Trent Alexander Anorld And Jade Thirlwall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now