part 10

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Perrie Edwards

Caption: Who's ready for Christmas?Likes:12

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Caption: Who's ready for Christmas?
Liked by: @leighannepinnock, @andyrotherson and load more

@alexoxladechamberlain: bae🔥🔥
@jesynelson: let's get it girlsssss😍🔥
@littlemix.27: 😍🔥
@leighannepinnock: my bea sorry  @alexoxladechamberlain and @andregray
@jadethirlwall: 🔥😍

Back to the party thing in town

"Should we head to some pubs" Jade asks

"Is there any good ones" Perrie replies

"Not really pez" says andre

"Yeah your better off going some where else" leigh adds

"Jess?" Alex asks " what do you think?"

"Let's go somewhere else" jesy answers

"Okay let's do this" trent adds

A while later they find an alright pub. They go in and get a load of drinks while getting up to dance to music. Jesy stays seated since she hasn't got a boyfriend to dance with. Andy walks in saying hello to everyone. He sees jesy and asks her to dance. After a while of then being Idotis whiike drunk. They all get an uber back to leigh and Andre's house. The day after

"What the fuck happened last night" jade asked alex

"We hit the pub jade"

"Oh yeah I remember now" jade says laughing a little

Leigh walks downstairs. Holding her head

"Fuck I've got a bad headache anyone else"

"All of us leigh" alex says smiling

"What you two doing anyway" leigh asked

"Oh I was getting a drink and Alex woke up. That's about it" jade replies

"Nice" leigh says looking tried and walking back upstairs with glass of water while still holding her head

Half an hour later. Loads of people start waking up. Trent gets up to see that jade isnt in the same room so he goes to look for her. He sees her in the other room watching tv with alex

"Hey guys" trent says "move over then" trent says laughing as he sits down

Everyone starts to go home. After jade and trent get home he asks if she wants to go out for dinner

"I'd love too" jade says

"Okay go get ready" trent kisses jade

Trent Alexander Arnold

Trent Alexander Arnold

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Caption: Date night. What we sayin bout my fit ? 😍or🤢
Liked by: @mosalah, @perriedwards and load more

@trentlovesjade: defo 😍 loving the fit
@alexoxladechamberlain: The fitt🔥
@leighannepinnock: I'd rate the fit a 🔥
@andregray: solid 😍
^^^@trentalexanderaornld: my guy🔥💛
@jadethirlwall: sexy motherfucker!🤤
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After jade gets ready they head off to dinner. The paps start photographing them. They walk hand in hand as they go in the restaurant. They look at the menu. The waiter comes over

"How can I help ?" She asked

"May I have this please" pointing to the menu as jade asked

"And I'll have the same" trent adds

"Sound as a pound wont be long" says the waiter as she walks off

30 minutes later. Their food arrives. While eating trent gets a call saying the boys are going out together tomorrow night without the girls.

"Hey babe, the boys are going out together tomorrow night without the girls" he says

"Its fine babe dont worried go enjoy yourself, while your off"

"I gotta say something"


"I'll tell you when we get home"

They get home and trent runs upstairs. Jade runs after him

"Babe what did you need to tell me ?"

"Sit down" trent says as jade sits down with his hands on her tigh "I love you" looking her dead in the eyes

"Oh my god" jade says smiling putting her hands over her mouth " I love you too you idto"

They start to make out for a bit. The next morning

Andre gray

Caption: out w my boys rate my fit ?Likes:14

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Caption: out w my boys rate my fit ?
Liked by: @jadethirlwall, @troydenny, @trentalexanderaornld and load more

@jadethirlwal: fire💛
^^^@andregray: 🤍
@alexoxladechamberlain: smashing that fit my boyyy🔥❤
^^^@andregray: 🔥💯
@trentalexanderaornld: goes hard bro🥶
@leighannepinnock: fucking fire 🔥
@perriedwards: cold (mocking the boys) 🥶
@jesynelson: fire 💙
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