First day

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Louis POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and dreaded what awaited me.  My first day of uni, although it was my second year I really, really don't feel that excited as I was a new student because I had  transferred over from another university for their footie team. (It was the best footie team in all of Doncaster)  I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror and fixed my fringe pushing it aside.   

I could tell today was gonna be a long day.  I put on some music and looked through my closet as I didn't have to bring my stuff to my dorm later.  I wasn't that enthusiastic about sharing a dorm but it is what it is.  Once I had made sure all my stuff was packed and ready to go I headed to my dorm to look around and get settled as I don't have class for a few days and we have to be at our dorms by the very latest 9 pm.  It was about 1:30 because I had slept in till roughly 10 am.  

The night before I was at footie practice a little later then usual to just practice and let all my energy out, as I had nothing better to do.  I had arrived at my dorms after wandering around a bit lost.  I had ended up getting help from a brunette who was chatting with her friends who's name was- oh, I actually didn't get her name.  

That or she told me and I was just too mesmerized by a tall lad clad in a footie jersey.  I can only assume it was the schools team jersey.  He was chatting up a raven haired lad who I swear was a Greek god.  Along with another lad clad in..a banana costume and octopus glasses?  

I had later learned it was a dare and I did think it was quite childish but a bit funny

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I had later learned it was a dare and I did think it was quite childish but a bit funny.  Although I would never tell anyone that.  I hadn't seen the tall lads face so I could only let my imagination wonder but from behind, let's just hope the front view is as good as the back. 

 I had arrived at my dorm it was quite spacious and open, there were the two bedrooms, a bathroom, the living room and an extra room, for what? I'm not sure yet I'd have to ask my roommate.  

In came a giddy goofy smile sporting lad, his accent not too thick but if he talked fast enough you might not understand what the faux blonde says.  

"I'm Niall, Niall Horan. I assume you're my roommate or a robber. You can take anything you want as long as you stay away from the fridge, me guitar and my purple pants. Although with your height I don't think you're gonna be hopping through windows anytime soon." 

He burst into laughter as I stand there quite annoyed but also a little glad my roommate isn't some moody, asshole. 

"I'm only kiadding mate."

  "I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson and I want nothing to do with your guitar or your purple pants they aren't really my thing.  I prefer my red chinos." I say motioning to my favourite pair of pants.  I'm also clad in a white t-shirt, black suspenders and black TOMS.    

"So you're not from here are you mate are you then? Not with that accent anyways

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"So you're not from here are you mate are you then? Not with that accent anyways."  Is what I asked now thinking; no duh Louis like yeah he's from Spain.  Of course he's from Ireland with that accent, there's no doubt about it. 

I mentally face palmed as he smiled widely

"No mate, Ireland born and raised except for recently, y'know? Came down here for the schooling and stayed for the lads and beer although it's better back home." Replied the Irish lad fondly, I can only assume he was thinking about downing a pint in a pub back home with his lads belting out lyrics to Taylor swift's 'we are never ever  getting back together'.  

I chuckled at the thought and made my way over to the rooms following the Irish lad to claim a room for my own.

"I'm taking this one!"  Is all I heard as I was snapped out of my thoughts of decorating my new room.  It came from the slightly bigger room where I founded the Irish lad hanging a flag from his home place.  

"Alright, alright come down mate.  That's fine I'm not one to fight over walls and a ceiling.  But I better not see any shamrocks littering the walls in the living room or you're dead leprechaun."

"The living room will have to be something we agree on."  I turned to my own room.  It was an off white colour I definitely planned on hanging posters and pictures up to hide the gross chipped paint.  There was a window just big enough for a curtain and a ledge where I would put my cacta.  

"I'm going to look around and stuff wanna come with me mate?"

"Nah I looked around earlier, I think I'm gonna chill here for now I'll see you later though right?"  Was all I asked cause I really did just wanna relax and maybe make my room look like it was being lived in. 

Rather then it's current forgotten look.  "Yeah of course see you around mate."  Was what I heard from the Irish lad as he left me to my unpacking.  

I placed my cacta up on the ledge and turned to put my clothes away on hangers in my closet it was quite big compared to the one in my room at mums.  

But that just meant I'd be able to get some new clothing later.  I hung up my posters of my favourite footie stars and some pictures of the girls, mum and me.  The girls have always been very photogenic so we had lots of pictures together.  The night ended with me listening to Look After You by my favourite band The Fray.  

The next day I was awoken by an Irish leprechaun (it almost put lesbian)                   who almost got attacked my foot to his shin. "Wakey wakey, I'm your alarm I'm getting you breakfast from McDonald's or wherever you want."  Obviously  trying to redeem himself.  "Fine, you're lucky I feel like an egg sandwich.  They have to have Yorkshire tea though."

(Idk if they have McDonalds don't come for me.  And yes they have Yorkshire tea cause I said so.)

"Alright I'll  see you in 10 minutes." Replied the Irish lad skipping yes literally skipping away out my door allowing me to get dressed for the day.  I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair a bit and went to my closet to pick out an outfit I chose grey sweats and a matching beanie as i just wanted to be comfortable and not worry to much about my appearance today.

  I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair a bit and went to my closet to pick out an outfit I chose grey sweats and a matching beanie as i just wanted to be comfortable and not worry to much about my appearance today

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We somehow ended up playing golf sometime in the after noon after Niall practically begged me to death then threatened my cacta.  Like what next he's gonna go harm some poor innocent pigeon?  Like ugh the lads a total monster.

Golf ended after Niall fell over and my club had "flown out of my hands" straight to his golf balls.  Let's just say I will not be playing again anytime soon for the foreseeable future.  It was definitely an experience.  We had talked all day after that learning more about each other and what we do in our spare time.  

Niall plays guitar, golfs, goes to clubs like it's the grocery store and also is into photography so long as his face is in the picture.  I told him about me playing footie, my love of dodgeball, my hidden talent of making armpit fart noises and my liking to singing.  

We got on really well and I bid him goodnight as it was 11:00 and we had a tour tomorrow around the campus and classes and our movie; Beethoven had also come to an end.  The day had been rather fun and I'm excited about meeting the other kids if they're just as funny and a good time.

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