Christmas time

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Louis POV 

It was now December and Harry and Niall fought once, over food.  But other then that everything as really, really good.  I think this weeks gonna be good.  It's Christmas break so that means we can go home now.  I invited Harry over as last night it was all the lads and I liked hanging out the two of us. 

 * cue "just the two of us" y'know what song I'm talking about ;) *

Harry came over and we watched Elf and Rudolph the red nose reindeer and the nightmare before Christmas.  

"Hey we should bake, or I should and you can watch I'm in the mood."  The  movie was over.  He knows I don't cook so I normally watch like a little kid.  "The mood?" I ask suppressing my laugh  "I didn't know baking was a mood."  He shook his head at me with half a smile.

"Alright, alright let's do it I have everything here."  I made a tea and he got everything out to make gingerbread cookies.  And we set to work, actually he set to work and I set to watch and taste test everything.  

He handed me a spatula a while later with batter on it and I licked it off while I looked at him because I had noticed he was staring.  He licked his lips then leaned closer licking some batter that was on my face.  I pushed him away jokingly and giggled.  I didn't mean to giggle it just happened. 

Harrys POV

He giggled he fucking giggled.  It was adorable and funny especially him being all flustered but when he licked the batter of the spatula like that he was asking for it.  I had a candy cane in my mouth and decide it was payback time again he looked hot when he was flustered or angry. 

I took it from my mouth and asked if he wanted one he said yes so I put the candy in his mouth and he looked a tad pissed off and shocked.  

I went back to the gingerbread and pulled them from the oven once they were done.  We had white royal icing and I put some on his nose.  He then did it to me and I chased him around with a spatula. 

Probably looking like a mad man but oh well.  My hair was tied in a bun so it was out of my face and I laughed at the thought that we probably looked like Tom and Jerry.  

After I was dead from running and the cookies  were setting we sat down on the sofa watching Lilo and stitch.  Our thighs brushed against each other and I then saw a mistle toe.  

Hanging in the door way of the kitchen.  I got up about 10 minutes later and checked on the cookies which were now set.  "Lou the cookies are ready." and with that in came the smaller lad with a mischievous smile his hand going straight to the cookies.  

We had a couple of cookies and then I stopped under the doorway. Louis stopped and turning d around and looked at me eyeing me suspiciously he then came over to me and I looked up.  

He then followed suit and saw the plant hanging from above. I smirked leaned down getting very close to his lips the kissed his cheek and walked back to the sofa.

He came over and sat beside me once more playing the movie. 

Louis POV

We had continued watching Lilo & Stitch and when I had enough courage I did the unexpected.  I straddled his lap and looked at him.  He looked at me with curiosity and I leaned in.  

He gasped through his nose as I kissed him slowly he kissed back then slid his tongue along my lower lip asking to enter but I wouldn't budge when he finally bit my lip making me squeak.  

We fought for dominance but he won.  We sat there snogging for about 5 minutes when my mom walked in.  I jumped off of Harry startled thank God you had to come down a hall to get to the living room.  I covered my mouth as if I were thinking because Harrys lips were red and I could only assume mine were too.  

"Hi Louis." I was greeted by my mum and a warm hug.  "Hi mum.  I missed you."  

"I missed you too."  Harry stood up made his way over and put on a charming smile. "Hi Mrs. Tomlinson, I'm Harry." with that my mom looked at me with a smirk and a sly expression across her face.  

"So you're the famous Harry Louis talks about so much.  You're as charming as he described you to be."  I looked at my mom like she had 5 heads I only told her about hary once and how we were best mates. 

"Oh, really? Hmm."  H was now wearing a smirk.  

"So how was Christmas shopping mum?  And where have the girls gone?"  as if On cue, all four of my sisters came barging through the door bearing gifts.

"LOUIS!" was shouted from the for girls at once as they all hugged me.  When suddenly Daisy my 9-year-old sister asked; "who's that?!  He has pretty hair!" She walked straight up to Harry gave him a smile and said; "Hi, I'm Daisy."  he replied with a smile.

"Hi Daisy, I'm Harry.  Nice to meet you and I like your hair too."  She giggled and asked if she could play with his hair he nodded and sat down on the floor cross-legged.   

Later we had all eaten dinner and now me and Harry were sitting in my room as we had just left the dinner table.  It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.  

"So I should go then." I didn't want him to though.  My mum was taking the girls to grandma's for the week and would be home one my birthday so... 

"You can stay, you don't have to but you can.  I'd like you too, but don't feel pressured to."  He looked at me and a smile soon Spread across his face "Yeah I want to."  I straddled him once more.  We then heard a knock at the door.  

I sighed and got up to see what it was, Lottie.  "Mom wants to say goodbye." 

 So I nodded and made my way downstairs.  We said our goodbyes and with that, they were off.  I made my way upstairs and opened my door to find Harry sitting on my bed looking around.  I shut the door and turned around to find Harry now in front of me. 

I smiled up at him then looked down.  I felt two fingers under my chin and he pulled my face up to look at him.  "I'm gonna go shower."  I walked over and grabbed a towel.  I was in the shower for about 5 minutes before I heard the bathroom door open, close and lock.  

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