His Bar-k's worst then his bite

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Harrys POV

I realized I had forgotten my phone as I had started up the car, so I turned the ignition off and went back only to find the door locked.  

Thankfully I had my keys.  I unlocked the door and made my way to my room only to hear; "Harry." My eyes widened in shock as the moaning continued.  

I recognized that angelic voice anywhere and wow it sounded so hot when he moaned my name.  Wait!  Why's he moaning my name?  

He must in the bathroom considering I can hear the shower and he isn't in his room.  Oh. I realize what he's doing and that made me go nuts.  

I stayed as quiet as I could trying to retrieve my phone as the moans became louder.  I then realized I was now semi hard and there was a small tent in my skinnies.

I found my phone and left the dorm not being careful of the door and it shut with a loud slam...oops.

I wasn't angry rather turned on and confused on whether or not Louis like me or just idk- actually nothing else really makes sense.  Maybe he likes me?  I'll never be able to get him moaning out of my head though I know that.

Louis POV 

My moans had grown louder and I didn't care.  It felt so good but it would be better if it were Harry's big tatted hands around me.  He would slam me against the tiles and the water would drip down our backs making everything slippery.  

The thought made me moan louder and I came shortly after.  As I stepped out of the shower I heard a slam.  I prayed it was Niall because if it was Harry it would be awkward and embarrassing, I don't even know if he likes me or men in general.

Tonight Niall wants us to go to a club and so that's where we're headed right now. Me, Niall, Harry and his two mates who are really cool; Zayn and Liam otherwise known as banana and raven boy. :)

I'm not gonna drink because I'm gonna be one designated driver. Harry also isn't drinking cause it's not his thing. Liam, Zayn and Niall had a blast drinking though and loved every bi of it. 

Harry didn't seem to be acting weird or differently so it must have been Niall thank the heavens.  Me and Harry sat there talking about footie and other things and he tried complementing me a couple times but I just ignored it and smiled in response.

Harrys POV

This gorgeous angel won't accept my compliments and I don't know why! It doesn't make sense considering he's breathtaking. And he should know that I mean he could be a model. His curves were something so sexy and his big blue eyes were just like pools I could drown myself in. 

 And when he laughed it was amazing. I could listen to him laugh forever.  After earlier though his moans were the prettiest sounds I've ever heard.  And I wanna hear them again so bad.  

It's been driving me crazy.  I wanna know what was the cause of it in the first place- wait.  Breakfast?!  When I was being flirty and stuff.  So it was me ha!  Styles is the man. 

Louis POV 

I decided to go dance only to end up with some guy about our age dancing around I was still sober so I knew what was going on he was flirting and I wasn't acknowledging it.  All of a sudden I feel two arms wrap around me from behind or so I thought.  

When really it was just my imagination.  Then what I felt really did happen.  I felt a pair of lipson mine ones that tasted like booze and it was disgusting.  I tried to push him away when all of a sudden the guy's face receives a blow to the nose. The hand is too familiar to not know.  Harry.

He wasn't at all impressed evidently and so he punched the guy.  "Don't touch him."  was what I heard before Harry turned to me asking if I was alright I nodded my head and and thanked him saying he didn't have too but he wouldn't listen.  It was then the other guy came and yelled at Harry . 

"WHAT THE HELL?!"  He shoved Harry a bit. Harry didn't retaliate instead he yelled in return. 

"Don't put your grimey lips on him you perv!" Harry then pulled me away. I had seen his knuckles which were now red and bruising. 

 "Harry come on let's go. I'll go get the car you get Liam, Zayn and Niall." 

 He nodded in response and we then went back to the dorm dropping Liam and Zayn off first.  Niall went to his room and crashed on his bed I turned his light off and went to Harrys room knocking on the door first not wanting to intrude.  

He opened the door and let me in.  He looked so hot with no shirt on especially when he's mad like just 🍆🍆🍆 💦 🚂 👻.  

No Louis that's not what your here for.  I took his big hand in my small one and led him to the bathroom.  I pulled out a first aid kit and cleaned his knuckles ignoring his hisses and groans of discomfort.  

"S'not my fault you punched some bimbo."  

"Actually it kinda is." He growled looking me dead straight in the eye.  I cocked my head in confusion and then what he said next hit me like the frying pan had hit Flynn rider.  

"How was your shower today?" he asked with an innocent smile. 

I stared at him dumbfounded.  I wanted to throw up.  It was him?!  Not Niall?  I went to run but was pulled back by the tall lad who stared at me for a second then crashed his lips to mine. 

It was too good for words.  I felt sparks go off and it was a amazing I melted into his touch.  He had his hands on my lower back as I snaked my arms around his neck.  

He pushed me against the wall and kissed me harder and I held back a moan but he but my lip allowing it to escape and allowing him entrance.  I didn't put up much of a fight as I was to entranced by what was happening.  

I pulled back and stared at him in disbelief.  I couldn't believe that had happened.  I didn't know what to do.  I went back to my bedroom and laid in bed thinking I then drifted off to sleep.

                                                       *** time skip two months *** 

Louis POV

My stupid ass told Harry it was the heat of the moment....two months ago to this day.  I don't know why. I panicked the next morning and that's what came out.  He wasn't angry or hurt.  He was understanding.  Which confused the hell out of me.  But he said it was okay and I can take my time and he'll wait.  

This stupidly gorgeous man is still waiting for me.  Right now we're just best friends.  We get along amazingly and so do me and the other lads.  So all is well.  I made the footie team back in September so that's been good.  

We have a project that's due soon and we have a work week off so I offered  Harry to come over the first day so we can finish the project.  He agreed so that's what we're doing today.

"I don't wanna do it right away can we watch a movie first?" I asked because I didn't feel like working on the project yet.  

"Yeah sure pick a movie."  He sat down on the sofa.  So I picked Tangled.  

We made jokes throughout the whole movie and died of laughter. "They were into some kinky stuff.  Like she tied him up to a chair.  And she beat with a frying pan." We burst into laughter at my remark.  

We ended up talking about kinks after that and I found out Harry has a pain kink which explains why he wasn't going ballistic when he punched that guy and why he has so many tattoos and they didn't hurt that bad.  So he says.  He also has...a glitter kink? 

We did the project and it went well, we had spent the night eating ice cream and laughing a lot.

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