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Louis POV

Today I was woken up by not the Irish lad but by my alarm.  Pretty odd after yesterday's events, maybe Tommo had taught him a lesson.  Yeah, that must be it.  Wrong. 

 I went to to the living room to see where the Irish lad was and didn't find him, I saw on the clock it said 7:45, our tour was at 8:00.  

I ran to the Irish lads room and flung his door open.  "Niall you big oaf, did you even set an alarm?  It's 7:45 and the tour starts in 15 minutes!"  And with that the Irish lad groaned, processed what I had just said and flung himself from his bed.  He made his way to his closet and I left him to get ready.  

Making my way to my room I had noticed a post-it on each door the one that caught my eye was the post-it that read Harry.  Who was Harry, I guess I'll have to meet him.  I opened his door only to find no one.  How rude, he didn't  bother to wake us up.

I ended up going with a white tank top, a pair of black skinnies and my black vans.  When I left the bathroom from washing my face and brushing my teeth I was greeted by the Irish lad and we set off to meet the tour guide.

"Hey, I'm Gemma I'm glad to see some new faces around here.  So I'm your guide, if you have questions I'm here and before we start does any one have any questions?"  I was too busy realizing she was the girl I had talked to the other day and she was proper nice then and she still was to ask any questions plus I didn't have any.

 There were a few hands only to be followed by questions such as; "are you single?!", "when do the parties start."  Things like that, just people being completely stupid.  Although one question did catch my attention.  

"Hey sis, how are you?"  It came from a lad who's face I could once again not see, then I realized it was the same ad from yesterday.  Who can he be?  But his voice was so angelic.  

He spoke slow and had a deep voice it made me want to melt right there on the spot.  But a puddle of Louis on the floor doesn't sound to nice.

The girl- Gemma responded saying something and then the tall lad stalked away in a direction in which I could once again not see his face.  Quite annoying if you ask me.  We walked around saw the campus, saw our classes they were very large and were quite echoey. 

Later I had returned to the dorm to find Niall eating a bag of chips on the couch watching a movie, the little mermaid.  He looked over at me and just smiled, I walked to the kitchen to figure out what was for lunch, I was pretty hungry from walking around.

"So Jane how was your tour"

 Jane?  Who's Jane? I guess I had spoken allowed while thinking that because next thing I know, "Jane, that's your nickname cause you're small have blue eyes and you're curvy.  Plus you both look great in yellow."  

"How'd you know I look good in yellow?" Completely ignoring his comment about me being curvy.  I knew I was a little curvy but nothing too noticeable.  I also had a tummy that wouldn't go away no matter what, let's hope he doesn't point that out too. 

"Oh you have a picture in your room hanging up with you in yellow, I saw it the other day." 

"Oh. Well thank you Nialler.  And I'm looking for something to eat for lunch."  He nodded obviously liking my idea and went to the couch.  

"Hey Nialler?  Have you met our roommate yet?" 

Nialls POV

"Yeah I have actually, he seems like a good lad."  I didn't plan on telling Louis about the vents that had taken place just yesterday.  Because if I had to witness that so would Louis, I think it's only fair.  My poor eyes need to be rinsed with soap. 

"Oh well that's good, I hope he's cool, it'd be nice to have another friend around." is all the Doncaster lad said before making a sandwich.  Y'know he's quite petite now that I really think bout it and I can't imagine how small he'll look next to our roommate.

Harrys POV

I had finished my tour and headed off with the lads to hang out and stuff.  Liam  and Zayn were roommates and were actually good friends in high school I had also been friends with them from year 10 and so on.  

I wondered when I'd meet my other roommate I went into Nialls room this morning and tried to wake him up....it ended with me receiving a threat.

 "Wake me up one more time Tarzan and your hair will be making a nice wig for someone."  is what the Irish lad had told me before I left not wanting my luscious locks chopped off by some pissed off leprechaun.  

I hadn't even thought to wake my other roommate up cause I had already thrown on my Chelsea boots and ran out the door.  Terrifying little Irish lad he is.  I made a mental note to lock my door at night.  At least till he apologized to my hair and me because that was not okay.  He needs to calm down.  He was quite hyper but it was good.

Our first classes were tomorrow my first one was at noon so that was good.  I hate waking up early but I didn't want to miss tours today.  I had seen my sister she was touring on of the groups, I went with a different guide just because I didn't feel like listening to her for who know how long.  

I love her to pieces but when you grow up together and she's always telling you what to do, how to do it etc. It becomes annoying.  It's her last year here so I guess I should be nice because once she graduates she's moving. Where to? I don't know, I don't think she knows yet either.

I went back to my dorm later that night only finding Niall playing his guitar on the couch with some sheet music in front of him scattered on the table I waved him goodnight and went to my room.  I really do wonder when I'll meet this Louis lad.  Is he even real, is he a person?

I don't know.  For all I know Niall could say we have another roommate and just be using that room for his own things like more purple pants or a bunch of Irish paraphernalia.  

That would be something but I've seen the room so someone must live here other then me and Niall I just have yet to meet him.

What if he DOESN'T like me?  That would be bad especially cause he seems to be a fan of footie or he has pictures of male football player for...other reasons.  Well I'll ask him when I meet him hopefully soon.  So I know I'm not living with some hobbit like creep who like collects weird stuff in jars....

I went to bed with thoughts running through my head non stop.  It was gonna be a long night.

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