Big game

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Louis POV

I woke up to an empty bed.  I was worried Harry had left although I was his ride.  So I got up from bed with my ass killing me might I add.  Only to have an almost naked Harry come through the door.  

He scolded me and told me to get back to bed.  I say almost because he was clad in nothing but an apron that said kiss me I'm Irish.  My God is Niall gonna kill him when he finds out.

He shut the door with his foot and brought over a plate of toast with nutella and some cut-up fruit.  We ate and watched the hunger games.  Talking about how we had a crush on Peeta and not Katniss when we were younger.  

Mum wouldn't be back till around noon and the girls wouldn't be home till about five so we had some time to kill.  It's December 26th so there isn't much to do yet.  We have to wait for footie season to start again.  For now, my thoughts keep going to Harry.  The beautiful, tall, green-eyed sex God. 

* That sounds like a good fic title; green-eyed sex God hmmm... *

We had gone skating and had hot chocolate.  Skating went well.  If you don't count the me leaving to go home.   From the hospital.  I had slipped and landed wrong.  So I now have a sprained ankle.  

Harrys POV

"Lou?  Are you okay? Do you need anything?"  He was laying in bed as per my orders.  I didn't want him hurting himself anymore.  My poor little princess.  

"I could use some kisses."  He puckered his lips dramatically making kissing noises.  I shook my head and leaned in.  But to my surprise, he pulled me on top of him.  I made sure to be careful of his ankle as I climbed over top of him.

I kissed him softly as I hovered I've the tiny lad.  I broke the kiss and sat down beside him.  I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him in.  We sat there in silence.  

I rubbed my thumb along his shoulder as he leaned into my side.  He pulled my other hand over to his lap and played with the rings on my fingers.  "Do you like them?"

He looked up at me and nodded.  "Yeah they're nice and suit your big hands."

"Oh yeah?  Well I have big hands for a reason.  They were made just for you."

He looked at me with a confused look. "What?"

"My 'big hands' are made to hold your big bum."

He smacked chest playfully and shook his head now embarrassed by my comment.  

I pulled him up and over me so he now straddled me and looked to him.  "Y'know, one day you'll have a ring." 

He looked me straight in the eye and blinked.  

"It's gonna suit you perfectly and guess who's gonna be the one to give it to you?" 

He looked at me with a nervous look.

I kissed him and pulled back so our noses brushed together.


He just sat there in silence looking at me.  

"I'm gonna be the one to get you a ring, that's a promise."  His worried expression changed from a nervous one to happy one.

He lay back down with his head on my chest and fiddled with my rings once more.

I thought of the promise I had made to the small lad, my little princess, my Lou.  My love.  My heart and soul.  It really had been love at first sight when I laid eyes on him when we met in the hallway.  We were two hearts in one home with an Irish leprechaun of course but still.  

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