Chapter 18: A Metting With Wonder Woman (Arc 3-1)

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Arc 3-1

Vengeance of the Vulpe

The winter night wind blew, carrying snow petals all over the city. Despite the late hour and the cold temperatures, the street was still busy with people walking in their warm clothes. The heavy traffic formed a moving line of light on the street from above.

A woman wearing a tight black suit sat on the top of a building, sucking a lollipop in her mouth. She looked at the street below her, swinging her legs without fear about falling while humming. Her hair swayed in the cold wind, yet she didn't look cold despite her outfit.

"This city is the same as always, huh."

She pulled the strawberry-flavored lollipop and licked her mouth. Her gaze continued sweeping the scenery of the city. From the place she sat, she could see far away due to the height.

"Well, it's not like I expected any changes. It's not like this city is my hometown either."

She stretched her body with her left hand hooked to her right hand behind her head. Suddenly, she leaped from her seat and landed on the edge of the building.

"Maybe it's time to make direct contact with that person."

The building was thirty stores tall. A normal person would have trembled just from the thought of doing what she did, yet the woman walked up tiptoeing on the edge with ease. She walked with both hands behind her back and continued humming. Her tail swang left and right in tune with the humming and step.



"Dad... Can- we... *pant* take a rest... For *pant* a little...?"

"Come on, son! You can do more than that!"

"Please... *pant* This is- *pant* too... much..."

"You're already grown-up! *pant* Show me that you are a man!"

"Dad-dy... *pant* I... can't... *pant* take it... *pant* anymore..."

"You won't *pant* gain anything if you *pant* stop now, you know."

"I'm... *pant* at my... *pant* lim-it... *pant* now..."

If you're wondering what the hell happened, it all started a day ago.

It had been only a few days since winter break started. My parents and I had a peaceful breakfast conversation until we arrived at a certain topic.

"So, there is this PE teacher in school that is so cool!" I said as I stirred my cereal.

"Oh, really?" Arthur asked while reading a newspaper.

"Yes. He is so hefty. He has big muscles like a bodybuilder. He can do hundreds of push-ups without breaking a sweat. He can lift the two heaviest kids in my class like they're nothing. Not to mention he has a big scar on his right arm which makes him look so cool and menacing. Totally menacing!"

"Is that so?" Arthur responded while still reading the newspaper. A sound of boiling water could be heard from the kitchen. "He sounds like some kind of dangerous individual. You should be careful with someone like that."

"Ahahaha, what are you saying, dad? He is our teacher. There's no way he is someone dangerous." I laughed at the joke that he said with a straight face. "Well, he is kinda strict and hot-tempered, but he's not a bad person. Even though he is a bit grumpy, he's close to the basketball team. My friend from the team said that he cares about them despite trying not to show it. He is the one who trained them into who they are. He is a fierce big guy with a big heart, that's what they said."

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