Chapter 17: A Prelude of Big Event

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It was a chilling winter night. The snow was still falling down from the sky, blurring the sight of people walking outside. Many people wore thick clothing to keep themself from the cold. Some of them even used an umbrella to protect themself from the snow.

Bronte walked past many people on the sidewalk, alone. He was not a polar bear. With his fur alone, it wouldn't be enough to protect him from the cold, so he wore a thick jumper over his leather jacket. He was heading to the bus stop on the way to his mansion.

This was the first time he used public transportation. At times like these, he usually called out his driver to pick him up, but right now he did not feel like it. Tonight, he wanted to spend his time alone while dragging out the time going home.

After he got on his bus, he sat beside the window and stared blankly outside. He felt strange. All the shit that happened today should have made him enraged, yet he felt less irritated than he should have. He didn't know why.

Was it because he talked to the fox? Or was it because it was the first time in a while he went out? He didn't know.

He didn't know what feeling he had right now. It was alien to him.

At times like this, he wished that he brought his headset to distract himself with music while keeping his ears warm.

Upon arriving at the front of his mansion, he got off the bus and headed to the gate. As he went into the range of the CCTV, it opened automatically followed by a security guard that greeted him with a salute.

"S-Sir! Welcome back, sir!" The guard shouted while trembling, whether it was from the weather or something else.

Bronte just ignored him as he walked to the mansion. The guard glanced outside like he was looking for something.

"Sir, did you come alone? Are you not coming with a driver?"

"Huh?" The arctos tilted his head backward and answered in an annoyed tone.

"N-nothing sir! Have a good da- I mean, evening sir!" The guard retracted his question and gave a salute again in a stiff and clumsy attitude. A cold sweat would probably be seen if he didn't have fur.

Not wanting to waste his time outside, Bronte snorted at the guard and went to the mansion.

"Welcome back, young master." A black caballus butler greeted him with a bow as he entered the front entrance. His right hand was clenched on his chest as he closed both his eyes.

Not bothering to greet him back, Bronte took off his jacket and shoved it to him. The snow on his jacket melted at room temperature.

"I'm tired. Prepare my bath and don't bother me if there is nothing important. I already ate outside, so don't prepare anything."

"Understood, young master. The bath will be ready in 15 minutes. By the way," He coughed for a moment before continuing."The first young master is in the mansion right now. He's still dealing with the incident from last time, so you may meet him by chance."

"Whatever. Just go." Bronte waved his hand to him as he tried to dismiss him.

But unlike usual, the butler didn't go straight away and stay. "By the way, young master, did something good happen recently?"

Bronte looked at the butler weirdly. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Well, how should I say it?" He rubbed his chin while looking at his master who was still much shorter than him. "It's like there's positive energy coming from you, unlike usual. If I have to compare, it's like looking at the kid version of young master without mud on his clothes. Yes, quite unusual."

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