Chapter 8: A Sunny Day After the Storm

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There was an unusual scene in the classroom the next morning.

"Hey, Browny. Why the long face? You look worse than yesterday. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Don't be like that. I'm worried, you know. We are friends, aren't we?"

"Stay away from me!"

"Why do you keep avoiding me? Was I perhaps too intense with you last time? Well, you looked like you were enjoying it too though."

"Don't say something so misleading!!"

"Oh, are you perhaps embarrassed? Oh, Browny, you're such a tsundere."

The sight of Kevin following Bronte while teasing him in the 2'nd class corridor really drew everyone's attention, including his lackeys who looked at their boss with mouths open. Many of them were aware of those two's relationship, and seeing something absurd in front of their eyes, they couldn't help being astonished.

And that was how a strange rumor began to spread around the school.


Today's class was art. We moved to the gallery room to sketch some abstract images. By chance, I was sitting next to Rannier Ward, the rabbit from before.

"You two sure attracted everyone's attention this morning." He talked to me while tying back his long fluffy ears like a ponytail. "Well, it's not rare for you two to make a scene, but looking at how different it was this time I couldn't help but wonder, did I miss something?"

"Well, nothing much, really." I talked nonchalantly while shrugging. "We're just starting to have a mutual relationship with each other."

"Care to explain more?"

His hand was still busy moving on top of the canvas as his nose twitched curiously.

"Hmmm... Let's just say a lot of things happened. One lead to another and I became his personal masseur in exchange for befriending him in the end."

"Wow, for real? I don't know that you were that skilled."

"Well, if you are curious why don't I service you tonight? It's free, just to let you know."

"No thanks." He shook his head with a casual smile. "I have a bad feeling about you two. Best if I don't get caught up with what you two are doing."

"What do you mean by that? It's just a massage, nothing more."

"Your manner of speech speaks otherwise. There are already weird rumors spreading around about how you two are dating or how you blackmailed a lot of people."

"Hahaha, what a silly rumor. In the end, a rumor is just a rumor. There is no need to listen to that kind of nonsense."

"Well, it was hard to ignore those rumors looking at how you're acting quite unusual today." He raised an eyebrow. "Plus the people who usually make a prank with you in the past are cowering away when they saw you. Can't help but question those rumors' credibility, right?"

I just gave him a silent treatment for now. Rannier was such a curious rabbit.

"Well anyway, speaking about rumors..." He glanced around before leaned his mouth to my ears and whispered. "Apparently his family's company has been in chaos since 2 days ago. The official statement hasn't come out yet, but it seems some important data has been stolen. I wonder why, the timing is kinda weird."

"Beats me. What a strange coincidence."

We smiled at each other mysteriously as we continued with our sketches.

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