Chapter 11: Old Friends?

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He said before that I could bring anyone, but I bet he never guessed who I was going to bring in.

"Why do I have to waste my time with nerds like you?" Bronte yelled at us as we sat together in the library. As expected from Bronte, he didn't mind raising his voice even in the library.

"Browny, you know that you also need to fix your grades, right? Yours may be a bit better than mine but they are still below average." I tried to convince him with a logical reason.

Today we had another study session in the library. I was moved that Rannier willing to use his break time for us, but I still felt that something was lacking. That was why I dragged Bronte here along with his bag. The reason? I think it was already quite obvious.

"And why do you care? It's not your business. Why does it matter to you if I have bad grades?"

I shrugged. "Oh, it actually doesn't matter to me that much. I don't even care even if your grades are worse than mine."


"But, Browny, do you remember who was the one who always bothered me and kept me distracted from my studies for all of this year?"

'T-that's... not my business..." He started talking hesitantly while shifting his gaze. I knew it, he was the cause of all this.

I moved my face close to his with my 'nice' smile. "What I mean to say is, it's not fair that it's just me who suffers being forced to study. So, we need to do this together, a-l-r-i-g-h-t?"

He didn't say anything more in his defense and just grumbled a little, but he didn't move from his seat. Looks like I manage to persuade him, as expected of me.

As I finally tamed the arctos beside me, I looked at my two friends in front of me. Rannier looked at both of us with a (somehow) amused expression, while Troylen... surprisingly didn't seem to have much reaction either. Rather than that, he's been staring at Bronte blankly since earlier.

But what was weirder was that instead of staring back or retorting as he would normally do, Bronte tried to avoid his gaze.

Did the two of them have some history I was not aware of?


Meh, I could just find out about it later. Now, the most important thing was to gain knowledge from our beloved class president.

I clapped my hand. "Well, as I said before, the more the merrier. Let's start now before the break ends."

"Why do I have to do this?" Bronte grumbled to himself, but I just ignored him. My hands were full of worrying about myself right now. If I get another red mark it won't end well.

Just when some time passed...

"What are you doing Bronte? You need to take out your books."

Unexpected words came out from Troylen's mouth. The person in question flinched at his words. Bronte looked like he was a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"...Do I really need to do this?" He asked meekly.

"Isn't it already obvious? This is a library, a place for reading and studying. Now," Raising his chin, he offers his hand out, with his other hand tapping on the table. "Since you are already here, may I see your test result from last week?"

As the two different-sized beastman exchanged words and worked together, I just watched them in confusion. Even Rannier just shrugged when I glanced at him.

My curiosity became bigger, but there was something that bothered me more.

Why did he look more enthusiastic to teach that brute rather than me?

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