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A young girl was walking down the snowy path on a mountain. It was freezing yet she had to go sell some fish to earn some money and to buy food

She opened the door to their warm home as she was greeted by the smile of her younger brother.

"Onee-san, welcome home!" Greeted with a bright smile and warm hug, she hugged him back

"Im home, Haru.." she smiled brightly then patted the little boy's head

"Ara, welcome back my daughter" her mother's soft and gentle voice filled her ears her smile widens.

"Im home."


"So how was you're trip?"

"Hmmm, well i managed to sell all of them somehow!" You're mother giggled as you stuff you're mouth with food

"Thats my daughter i tell you! She's even the talk of the town right now!" You're father beamed

"You flatter me father, their just kind people thats all" you politely said

"Oh my Y/n, you're too kind for you're own good!" You're mother giggled, you just smiled warmly

You're brother tugged the hem of you're kimono then looked up at you

"What is it Haru?" You said stroking his hair

"Does Onee-san really need to go to away everyday?" He said with a sad look an his face

You smiled gently then asnwered his question

"Well Onee-san need to go so that she can give you bigger presents when christmas comes, so be patient and wait for her, alright?" With that you're younger brother smiled with closed eyes then hugged you tightly

"Hmm! I'll wait for you Onee-san, even if i will wait for eternity!" He said while smiling and laughing

'I'm glad i get to see you're smile whenever i go home...'

Everyone in you're family was kind and gentle, they always smile and love eachother very much

As the dinner table was filled with the laughter of you're family. You waited for tomorrow to arrive, hoping that tomorrow will be just any other day, seeing you're family and laughing with them. Its the best when you're together with them

You were preparing on heading out again, you put on you're (f/c) kimono with sakura flowers designed on the hem of it

You were about to head out when you're mother called for you. You turned around to face them then smiled when they waved

"Onee-san, be careful okay!?"

"Stay safe my daughter" you're mother waved

"I'll be fishing so that you have more to sell!" You're father smiled, his eyes closed

You smiled back then raised you're hand to wave back
"You too, be safe everyone! I'll bring you a very delicious meal when i get home! Wait for me!"

You happily said then started walking to the nearby village

"Oh! Its Y/n-nesan!"
"Really? Where!"
"Oh Y/n, welcome, did you bring my order from yesterday?"

The smiles of the people welcomed you as you arrived at the village. You were quite popular there since you were so kind and gentle

You smiled at them then gave them the things they need. At the end of the day, you sold all of the goods you brought with you.

The moon was high in the sky that day, walking up to the snowy mountain you always walk on. You saw the light that was immiting from the windows of you're house. You walked then smiled when you arrived at the door

Somethings off though, it seems opened the door then the image infront you terrified you through eternity.

You're mother was crawling towards you with blood leaking on her forehead, you're father's lifeless body on the dining room.'re brother's dead body lying on the kitchen sink

You stared in horror as you looked upon the bodies of you're loved ones. You stared at them for a moment, in shock, you didn't even blink, you couldn't cry you couldn't scream

You were just there, staring at them. You dropped the bento you were holding a while ago as you felt you're mother's hand touch you're feet. You looked down then sat on her level so you can look to her more closely

Tears were threatening to fall as you watched her suffer

"Y/, lovely daughter...please...escape before he comes back...theres a door at the back that has a shortcut to the village, go there and get some help..." you shook you're head as you held her hand more tightly

"Mother no..." you're tears hasn't dropped yet because of the shock

"My for our sake...we want you to continue you're life and be happy...please Y/n...please and never look back..." as she said these words, banging was heard on the door.

You're mother looked terrified but held you're hand then kissed it

"Go Y/, for the future...we may not be there with you anymore, but there are still people who will care and love don't cry my lovely daughter..." every word felt like daggers through you're heart.

"Please?..." you looked at you're mother, then kissed her forehead

"Im so sorry...please forgive"you said then ran towards the door to escape, leaving behind the ones you loved...

You looked back only to see a demon devouring you're whole family. You ran and ran with tears in you're eyes, you never stopped running until you reached the village where people regarded you as their own family...

Death of a promise (Kyojuro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now