Chapter VI: Worried

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"Do you have to shout that word everytime you take a bite?" Tomioka asked as Kyojuro and him were walking towards the butterfly estate so that they can visit you


Tomioka sighed as he got ignored. Nothing really can stop Kyojuro from eating. He looked down and stared at the rocks. He flinched when the onigiri Kyojuro was eating fell to the ground, he looked up and was shocked to see Kyojuro's expression. He was staring at something so Tomioka also looked at the object Kyojuro was staring at.

He squinted his eyes and realized that it was not an object, it was a human. He faced Kyojuro but was interrupted with a strong gush of wind, when the dust in the air were cleared, he noticed that Kyojuro was not on his spot earlier anymore.

He once again looked at the person then saw Kyojoro carrying you. You were unconcious while sweating heavily. You looked like you're in alot of pain

"Is she alright?" Tomioka asked as he sweatdropped. There was a tiny blood that dripped from you're forehead

"We must bring her to the butterfly estate quickly" Kyojuro said as calm as possible but deep inside he was really worried

They quickly ran towards the butterfly estate and encountered Shinobu. "Oh? Kyojuro-san, Tomioka-san what are you--"

She paused when she saw you in Kyojuro's arms. "What happened?" She said

"We saw her unconcious at the bottom of a wisteria tree. We currently don't hold the answer as to why she collapsed" Kyojuro ecplained "Can you heal her?" He asked

"Yes i can, we should get inside and treat her" Shinobu said then guided the two boys inside her estate

"Kyojuro-san. Are you sure you're staying here?" Shinobu asked. Kyojuro nodded on her question, he was staring at you for 2 hours now.

You never showed any signs of conciousness, even so he waited patiently...TOO patiently...

Shinobu sighed then patted Kyojuro's shoulder. "Keep watch over her for now then" she said then walked away

"..."Kyojuro went quiet as the room was filled with silence. He looked at you're fitures then held you're hand. He held it over his forehead as his hair was covering his eyes

" you have to suffer this much?" He said quietly "I hate it...i hate it when you're smile fades...i hate it when you cry...when are you finally going to be happy?...."

Kyojuro looked at you, eyes filled with worry. ' i feel this way?...we have only just met, yet you can already make my heart flutter like this...'

He closed his eyes; praying that you'll awaken soon. He suddenly flinched when you grasped his hand, he looked at you, shocked.

"Goodmorning...Kyojurou-kun..." you said, almost a wisper. He looked at you, you seem in alot of pain, but even though you were, yo still managed to give him a smile

He smiled with relief. He clenched you're hand then laughed closed eyes. "Thank goodness you awoke! Or else i woudn't get my payment for the mocchi!" He joked

You giggled a little then looked at him "Thank you...for everything..." he stoped laughing then looked at you with eyes that question

"What do you mean? You sound as if you're going away"

You smiled again. "Kyojurou-kun, i think i recovered enough now, i feel like i'm a burden to all the people here. I'm always the one whom people take care of, and i'm actually really worried. I thought to myself that, this may be the right time to go back--"


You looked at him, quite surprised at his voice. He grabbed you're hand then stared at you. You blinked then a tiny blush appeared before you're cheeks.


"You may be physically recovering, you're body may be in healing slowly. But is you're feelings okay?" He said then his grip tightend "Y/n, you know the people here are close to you, they care for you thats why they continued to watch over you. It is oir own choices that we chose to help and care for you, so why are you calling yourself a burden?"

"But Kyojurou-kun...i am fine now and don't really need to be treated..." he shook his head

"No. You are staying here until you are fully recovered, both physicaly and mentaly. So stay. Stay until you no longer feel any pain"


"Y/n L/n. Whether you like it or not, you are staying here. Until you are fully recovered"



Soooooo.... sorry for the short chapter, i coudn't think of anything else to add so maybe in the next chapter i will 😊

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