Chapter III: Pillars

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You woke up feeling the headache coming.

"What time is it? Oh its 5:02 am..." you sat up then looked at the sleeping kitten on you're bed

Its ears perked up as soon as it sensed you're presence. You smiled as the cat jumped into you're arms

"Good morning Sky" you greeted sweetly.

As you were about to leave you saw three little girls stairing at you, the door was slightly open and only their eyes was showing.

"Why hello there, pretty little ladies" you said then walked up to them

"O-onee-san, are you feeling better now?" One with the pigtail asked

"Are you feeling any pain?"

"Any discomfort?"

"Do you need medicine?"

"A bath?"

"Are you hungry?"

"I noticed you were about to go outside, do you need to use the bathroom?--"

"Ladies ladies! Relax, im fine, i recovered a little im just on my way to talk a stroll..." you said, sweat dropping from their questions

"Is that so? Do you want us to escort you?" You patted the girl with the low ponytail reasurring them that its fine, and that they do not need to come

" Its alright, i just need a quick stroll. Hmmm...but i am hungry, so...will you cook for me instead? You're cooking yesterday was really good! Did you cook the food i ate yesterday?"

Their eyes sparkled at what you said, happiness evident in their eyes.

"Well then Neechan, have a great walk!" They all said then ran towards the kitchen with bright smiles on their lips

You smiled then waved at them goodbye. You turned around to go outside to take a walk. The sun almost out into the lands. You walked towards a garden to look at the rising sun.

"Ah...its always so beautiful..." you said as you stared in awe. You heared footsteps so you turned around to see who it was

It was a girl with pink and green hair stairing at you.

"Can i help you my lady?" You asked the smiled on you're face was still there

She flinched a little then replied while playing with the rem of her yukata "Um...are you here to recover?"

What an odd question. You thought to yourself. You smiled even wider "Yes, indeed i am. I am currently on a morning stroll, do you perhaps want to join me?"

Her eyes sparkled then nodded her head exitedly. She stood beside you, while you on the other hand was staring at the sky

"Oh, is this you're cat?" She asked as she stroked the cat's head. It happily purred on her touch

"Yes, this is Sky. By any chance, i haven't gotten you're name yet my lady" you asked as you're gaze shifted towards her

"Mitsuri, Mitsuri Kanroji. I hope we get along well" she bowed

"Oh my what a pretty name, my name is Y/n, Y/n L/n" you said.

Mitsuri looked at you with a surprised look. You tilted you're head to the side, wondering why she had that expression

"L/n??...." she mumbled, hand on her chin, as if she was trying to remember something

"Whats wrong Mitsuri-san?" You asked consern was evident on you're voice. She was pulled out of her thinking when you touched her shoulder

"Mitsuri-san, are you alright?" You said, sweat dropping while looking at her worriedly

"A-ah no, im just...thinking that you're name sounded familiar..." she looked at you then smiled

"Lets go have a walk in my garden Y/n-san!" She grabbed you're hand then proceded to walk into a direction

"This is beautiful, Mitsuri-san. Did you plant this on you're own?" You said as you picked up a flower then smelled it.

Its nice and exuisuite smell filled you're nostrills. It was nice to walk early in the moring with a friend. Colorful butterflies flew around the garden, but mostly was flying close to you. A little butterfly landed unto you're nose. It had the same eye color as you

"What a pretty butterfly..." you said smiling at its beauty.

"Indeed it is..." a calm voice was heard as the person's footsteps was getting closer and closer

"Oh Shinobu, good morning!" Mitsuri hsppily said to the female.

She had black hair with a violet color on the end, she wore a butterfly hairpin at the back wich gave more compliments to her looks. She had that smile you always see on you're mother's face, but...her's seem

"Good morning pretty lady, my name is Y/n L/n. May i also know you're name?" You siad the smile on you're face never fading

"Shinobu Kochou, its a pleasure to meet you Y/n--" she paused when it got to you're last name, she looked at you while wondering where she heard you're last name before

This reaction...its my second thought as you looked to her wondering why she had the same reaction as Mitsuri

"Are you feeling alright Shinobu-san?" You said walking up to her

She shaked her head as her calm smile returned to her face "No, im alright, you do not have to worry" she said

"Though i think that i have heard you're name before, i just don't know where..." she continued

You tilted you're head at the statement

' may be because of that then...' you thought to yourself, slowly knowing the reason why they reacted like that

You smiled at them then bid them goodbye, since the triplets must be waiting for you to return

"Have a nice day!"

"You poor soul, you must be suffering because of you're beloved family's murder. Nami amidabutsu...."

"..." you sweatdrop at the man's sayings. " doesn't really bother me. I quite pity the demons, though i do feel a little pain when i see them, i do not resent them at all..." you said and smiled a warm smile

He looked at you, tears flowing in his eyes. He raised his hand then patted you're head

"Poor dear girl, such a kind soul, yet a very sad one..." he said continuing to pat you're head

You smiled. You met him earlier when it got to the rocky part of Mitsuri's garden, since then he continued to talk to you

"Its quite alright alright....well then i think i have taken much of you're time. Please excuse me, have a nice day" you said then stood up from the rock you were sitting on

He nodded as you waved him goodbye. As you walked you stumbled upon a raven haired male, he looks calm and doesn't really show any emotion. He was wearing a miss-matched haori, and his hair was tied up in a low ponytail

He nodded at you as you passed by, and you bowed down as well. You both didn't really bother to introduced yourselves since you have you're own places to attend to

You looked up the sky, the sun was now high above. It looked beautiful at some point

"I wonder whom i will meet next...ahhaha...they were all quite interesting...."

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