Chapter V: The wisteria tree

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It was the sunset and Rengoku just arrived, he took the path where he saw you that day. He was a bit surprised that you were not there. He was informed by Aoi that you were always watching the sunset, so he thought you would be there, but this time wasn't really the case

"Maybe she's still in bed..." he said to himself as he started to walk towards the butterfly estate where you are currently staying

He was confused as to why he wanted to see you, maybe he's worried? Or is it because he's just curious?

He entered you're room and closed the door "Sorry for intruding--" he stopped when he saw you sleeping.

The sun was slightly touching you're skin, you're eyes was closed and you had you're hands layed on you're stomach

He walked closer to you, his smile never fading. "I wonder why i feel relaxed whenever i see you..." he said as he fixed a stray hair on you're face

He stiffened when he saw you're face more clearly. "...Why...are you crying?..." he said and wiped you're tears

'Is she having a bad dream?'

"No...please...don't leave..."

"..." he went silent. Nothing was heard in you're room but you're sobbing

He sighed and held you're hand. You seemed to relax a bit when he did, he smiled once again.

"You're strange..."


You graoned as you flutter you're eyes open. You looked over to the side and saw Aoi closing the curtains

"Aoi?..." she looked behind when she heard you call her name

"You're awake? You should sleep more. Rengoku-san was here earlier and told me to give you this" she then handed you a box

"What is it?" You said as you took it

"He said it was mocchi, he didn't know what flavor you liked so he bought all of it" she said then sat down a chair

You looked at her "HE, bought THIS for ME??" You said surprised

She nodded then gave you a cup of medicine. "Yup, but before that you need to drink medicine"

"Its bitter..." you said as you drank it

"Well good medicine tastes bitter, besides you need that so that you can recover faster" she said then gave you a glass of water "Thanks Aoi" you smiled

"Its nothing, i'm just following orders thats all" she said then walked towards the door, before she got out she looked back at you once again "Have some rest Y/n-san" she said then went away

You smiled then looked at outside the window, there was a tiny gap between the curtains Aoi closed. Through it was the light of the moon, it was beautiful.

"Good night to everyone on this world, may you have a nice rest..." as you said this, you looked at the box of mocchis on the table

You're smile grew wider as you held it in you're hands. "Thank you...."

"Y/n-san!! Goodmorning!"

"M-Mitsuri-senpai! Please don't barge in so hastily!"

Aoi warned the pretty lady, Mitsuri pouted as she hugged you. You giggled then hugged her back

"Good morning Mitsuri-san" you said. She cluched her heart as tiny little hearts showed around her

"You're cute today as always Y/n-san!"

"Kanroji, are you finished talking to you're friend?" A black haired male entered you're room, he has bandages rapped around his neck and half of his face while his hand where lazily sratching the back of his neck

"Thats no good Iguro-kun! We have just arrived!" She wined, you looked at the boy then bowed you're head

"Hello, my name is Y/n L/n, its nice to meet you" you said

"Yeah yeah my name's Iguro Obanai--wait, L/n?" He stopped for a bit and looked at you

"Well, it seems that my name really is weired..." you said and giggled. Mitsuri looked at you with worrisome eyes

"Why do you say that Y/n-san? You're name is beautiful!" She said then wiped her imaginary tears

"Well, everyone seemed off when i say my name..."

"No! You're name is beautiful no matter what anyone says!!" She burst out in tears as she hugged you tightly you couldn't breath

"Yes yes, im sorry Mitsuri-san, it was just a joke don't worry" you comforted which worked since she smiled ever so brightly again

"Good girl! I love you're name, you should remember that okay?" You smiled again then nodded

"Well, Y/n-san, we'll get going now, we still need to go" she said then walked towards the door with Obanai

"I'll visit again!" With that she closed the door then went away

"I didn't know you were that close with Mitsuri-senpai." Aoi broke the silence, you nodded. You only met yesterday, yet you were close to her like sisters already

"She'e just...kind thats all..."you said then rose out of bed

"Where are you going Y/n-san?" Aoi asked

"I'll just take a walk don't worry. See you later Aoi"

"Come back before night fall, you're going to catch a cold again if you won't!!" She yelled

"Okay! I promise!!" You waved then went outside to walk

You stared at the tree, somehow, you seem to be familiar with that tree. It was a wisteria tree, though there are a lot of wisteria trees, you seem to stop at this one since it feels so familiar. You reached out you're hand then lightly graze it.

"Argh!" You suddenly felt alot of pain in you're head. You grabbed you're forehead then bent down a little.

"Y/n, be careful!"

"W-what is it?..."

"Don't go up too high, you might fall!"

"" the pain increased and now you were kneeling as a tear fell down you're eye

"It hurts..." at this moment you're forehead was now touching the ground. You grabbed you're hair because of the pain. It felt like you're head was about to explode

"Y/n!! Calm down and come down here! You're going to get hurt!"

"Hic...hic...hic...please...stop..." you cried. At this point it felt like hell, you were in terrible pain and you didn't know why. You looked up again and stared at the  tree. You're vision began to blur and you're body was giving up


"Pleaaaaasssseee! I wanna stay here a little longer!"

You're vision was now beginning to fade. The voice of a little girl echoed through you're ears

"Fine, but be careful okay?!"

"Who...are you?...." you fell after hearing a little boy's voice. There was a loud thud as you fell, staring at the ground you closed you're eyes


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