Chapter IV: dream

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"Y/n-san, are you sure you don't want to get inside?"

"Mm. I wish to see the sunset..." you said as response to Aoi

She looked at you with worrisome eyes, wondernng why you wanted to see the sunset so much. "Well, its cold so please hurry, i don't want you to get a cold" she said as she turned around to leave

"Yes, thank you..." you looked back once again at the sun thats setting down. Reminicing the moments where you were with you're family.

A tear fell from you're eye as you watched the sunset, you could still hear their laughter in you're ear, the voice of the people you treasure, will no longer will be heard. Petals of wisterias was falling unto you, you looked like a saintess.

You looked calm, even though you were crying, the smile was still there even though you feel pain. It startled you when someone reached out a napkin for you. You looked at it for a moment then hesitantly took it

You looked at the person who gave it, his golden hair with red color in the end made him looked quite handsome.

"Hello there miss, what have you been doing here? Isn't it cold out here?" He asked and stood beside you, also looking at the sun

"Not really..." you said as you returned the smiled. He froze for a bit while stairing at you though you can't really tell since you're focused on the sun

You're E/c colored eyes sparkled as the sun's reflection reflected unto you're eyes. You're beautiful H/c colored hair had a few strays down you're face

You flinched when you felt something unto you're shoulders. You looked over to Kyojuro then noticed his haori dropped over you're shoulder. You tilted you're head a little at his actions

"You should go inside now miss, you might catch a cold" he said as he started to walk away "You can give it to me whenever you want. Then, i'll be going now" he said as he left you there standing

You looked into his silhoutte thats starting to fade. As you're hand examined the haori you're currently wearing, you smiled

"He smells nice..."


"Y/n-san! I told you to stay inside didn't i?! Now you have a cold!" Aoi nagged as she wiped you're nose

"Sorry *sniff* Aoi-chan..." you're older than her, but it always felt like she was the onee-san and you're the himotou...

You smiled as she gave you the spoon "Eat up, you need to eat so that you're body won't get weak" she said as you chomped the metal spoon

The warm soup was delicious, you're face literally sparkled as you ate

"My my, you have a pretty cute face out there miss!" Both you and Aoi looked at the now opened door, there stood Kyojurou with his usual smile

"Good morning fire hashira Rengoku-san" Aoi stood up and bowed, you slowly stood but was interrupted when Kyojurou spoke

"You do not need to greet me with a bow, you need to rest" he said then sat you down, he drapped the blanket over you then sat down at one of the vacant chairs

"What brings you here today Kyojorou-kun?" You asked while sniffing

"I heard you got a cold, i also haven't got you're name yet" he said as his smile widens. You were about to answer when he suddenly gave you a flower. There was only one flower, but its color is just like you're eyes.

"Here you go, in exchange, may i know you're name?" He asked

You giggled as you accepted tge flower "I would have told you anyway even if you didn't give me any flower. My name is Y/n L/n" you said, and saw him flinch a little

"Ahaha, all of you're actions are the same as to when hearing my name. Is my name weird?" You smiled as you put the flower on the side table

"Ah no its not...its just that, its somewhat familiar..." he said

"Really? Where have you heard it from?"

"I don't really remember.." his smile is now gone, his smiling face was replaced by a confused one

You were quite amused byhe look on his face

"Well Miss Y/n, i will get going now, i receive a mission earlier and i wanted to visit you before i go. I will visit you once more when i got back" he said as he wen out. Both you and Aoi stared at the door

"Was he always like that?" You asked once Kyojorou was out of sight

"Always like what?"

"Was he always visiting somebody when that someone is sick?"

She shook her head

"I don't really know eaither..."

"Well now you can rest, you need to sleep Y/n-san" she stood up then got outside you're room so that you can rest

"...i'll have a nice sleep...i guess..."

"My baby, you need to flee!" A woman said eith tears in her eyes. She was holding a child's hand while running into the forest

"Mother no! You should come with me!"

"Just go with you're uncle, you need to survive!"

"Noo! I won't leave you here!" You shouted as tears was flowing in the child's eyes. They were never ending, seeing the woman wounded like that while crying, breaks you're heart

"You must flee, you are the only hope this clan has, you are the only heir." She said as she stopped by a cliff

"You're uncle is waiting for you down there, once you jump he will be there waiting for you. Now go my child, you're mother loves you very much..." she kissed the child's forehead as she started to push her down the cliff

"Motherrr nooooooo!!!!!" The child yelled with all her might, wishing that the woman can come with her, but...that was impossible

It was already too late for tge woman to survive

"My baby...Y/n, live and continue surviving, you're mother loves you very much..."


(A/n: hello! I don't really know if someone is actually reading this but thank you! This is actually my first time writing a f/f so i hope you understand if i have any mistakes!

If you are confused about who you really are and why you have another mom, you should continue reading! Hehehe everything will be revealed so please wait a little longer😊)

Death of a promise (Kyojuro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now