In Fukumoto's Household...
The Fukumoto Family spend their time doing their own things. Though Xenon's friends have come to visit them. Xenon didn't want to go greet them just yet as he didn't want to mess up with his potions...
Xenon: *Adding some herbs* Adding this...and then this.... *Add some monster parts*
Xenon was so focused on his potions that he jumped out of shock when he heard Siro's yelling.
Xenon: *Jump in shock*
He accidentally dropped an ingredient that wasn't supposed to be in it. It exploded, made Xenon got blown away a bit and landed on his butt.
Xenon: Ow ow ow ow.... Dad and his screams....
After a minute, he heard something crash. He stood up, find it strange and immediately went to the living room to find out. Once he arrived...he could only gasp in horror. Everyone were in their children form!! They were causing chaos in the living room before they ran out of the mansion.
Xenon: AAAAAHH---!!!!! NOOOO--!!!! THIS IS BAD--!!! I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING QUICK--!!! .·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.