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why does it seem so hard to live? 

Everyones sad. 

Happiness isnt a feeling anymore, it's not real.

When people laugh, its to numb the pain.

When people smile, its to stop the tears from falling.

When teens say they're not hungry, their lying.

When all they wear long is sleves and pants or maybe even tons of bracelets.. its not because their "cold" or cause wearing so many bracaletes is "Cool",

 its to hide what they do to themselves everyday. hides the disgust and shame they feel. hides the scars.. the cuts and burns that the voices in their heads leave.

Adults dont understand..

Society has only gotten worse. 

Your either too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, too "this", too "that".. no one feels comfortable in their own skin.

Young girls and guys throw up after every meal.. others just flat out starve themselves hoping to one day fit societys idea of "perfect".

Some would rather die than be who they are.

Some arent strong enough. some have lost hope.

We all feel so alone.

People dont have anything else to do than make everyone feel like shit make them feel stupid, useless, worthless. Heard of the word "bullying?" No one seems to take that serious anymore even though more and more adults and teens die everyday from it..

People these days are cruel and sick. parents wonder why were so weak, why we have so many problems.. they wonder why were so afraid?

Somethings they'll never understand..


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