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June 2nd

    We finally reached the Stock Market around ten minutes later.

    "Thanks, Jack." I said, hopping off his bike. He stared at me for a moment without saying anything.

    "Are you alright?" I waved my hand in front of his face. He flinched.

    "Oh, yeah. I'm- I'm good." He smiled at me. I smiled back. "Well, I hope they let you work with them. You deserve it."

    "Thank you. You better get back to work." I said.

    "I could stay here if you want so you have a ride home." Jack said.

    "Oh, well I bet I'm going to be there for a while, especially if I get chosen for the job. Thank you, though."

    "Alright. Well, have a good time!" He straightened back onto his bike.

    "I will!" I waved to him and turned to the Market. He rode away.

    I took a deep breath and started towards the large building.

    I walked up the stairs and pushed through the spinning doors. I never knew what they were called, anyway.

    When I went in, it was amazing. Everyone was yelling at each other numbers and company names. Tall pillars surrounded the room. It smelt like smoke in some parts. I slowly walked through, admiring the sight. I moved towards a large desk in the middle of the crowded room.

"Hello!" I yelled to the man sitting at the desk over the screams of the men in the Market.

"Yes?" He said back.

"I am looking for a job here!" That wasn't specific enough.

"Please come to the back so I can hear you better because I couldn't hear anything you just said." He replied.


He opened a door to his desk and led me to a room in the back.

The man sat down at a desk and rearranged some papers.

"Please, sit." He said. I could still hear the men from outside.

    I did as he said and sat down in a black cushy chair. A large window sat behind him. The room smelled of vanilla.

    "How may I help you?" He asked politely after putting his papers together.

    "I would like to apply for a job, please." He looked at me like I was crazy, "my father wants me to work here."

    "I'm sorry, miss, but we don't allow women to work here."

    I stared at him for a minute.

    "You're kidding, right?" I said.

    "No, miss. I do not make the rules, so don't blame me." He slightly put his hands up in surrender.

    This guy has to be kidding me, right?

    "Well, I need this job!"

    "You said that your father wants you to have this job?" He asked.

    "Yes, sir." I replied.

    "Who is your father?"

    "John (L/N)." He piled his papers up again and licked his finger to look through them. He nodded at a few of the papers.

    "Let me speak with my manager and we'll see what he thinks of it. Just wait here, okay?" He told me, getting up from his chair.

    "Yes, sir."

𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦, - 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now