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My dad and I just arrived at my house. I was so excited. I'm finally able to see Jack after three months.
    He unlocked the door and we went in. Nothing had changed.
    "Hello?" I heard my mother call from the kitchen. She walked out, saw me and gasped. "Y/N! You're back!" She hugged me and looked at my father. "You brought her home?"
    "Yes. I decided that she needs to live her own life the way she wants to and with who she wants."
    "He actually apologized to me. I thought it was so strange, but him letting me come back here made me really believe him." I smiled. "Where's Jack?"
    "He's upstairs, but I wouldn't bother him right now. Even if it is you."
    "Why not?" I asked.
    "He's not in a great mental state right now, so I'd suggest you come hang out in the kitchen for a bit." That broke my heart. I hate hearing Jack not feeling well. I just need to see him. I needed his warm touch.
    I sat down at the counter in the kitchen and my mother gave me a kiss on the forehead. Hopefully I get to call her mom now.
    "So, how was it over there?" She asked, taking out a few pots and pans.
    "Well, it was okay. Dad was much nicer towards the end than when I first got there."
    My mother stopped for a moment, slowly setting the pan down on the countertop while looking at me. "Dad?"
    "Yeah, he's letting me call him dad now. So, I'm hoping you'll let me call you mom?"
    "Of course, honey." She gave me another kiss on the forehead and continued to get ready to cook.
    "I'm going to see Jack." I got up and went upstairs. I'm hoping he's still in the same room. I opened the door to see a familiar figure on the bed, throwing a ball up and down.
    "Jack?" I said, closing the door behind me. He looked up and widened his eyes.
    "Y/N." He breathed and slid off the bed. His arms quickly wrapped around me and he picked me up. "You're back!" He drew me in for a deep kiss as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I missed his touch.
    We broke apart and he smiled at me. "My mother said that you weren't feeling too good, so I decided to come up here," I dropped down to the ground and whispered in his ear, "even though she told me not to." We both laughed.
    "Well, I'm feeling much better now that you're here."
    "I have a quick question..." I started.
    "After everything we've been through together, do you still love me?"

{The End}

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