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October 13th

Dear Diary,

I've been gone for so long. There was no point in writing here. It's been the same shit for almost three months. I haven't been able to see Jack ever since that day. He probably left, and my mother is there all alone. But no. He wouldn't leave my mother. He loves her too, but he must be lonely over there. We've cuddled once and I miss his touch.
My birthday is in six days. My father better let me out.
"Y/N!" My father called from downstairs. Here we go again. "Can I speak to you for a minute, please?"
Please? I thought. Why is his voice so calming? What's up with him?
I headed downstairs and sat down in the kitchen. He wasn't wearing his I'm-going-to-yell-at-my-daughter black suit and tie. He was wearing an old sweater. Somehow it fit him, because it looked like it could fit me.
"Y/N. This may sound really strange to you, well it is really strange to you, but I'm sorry."
What did he just say? Did he apologize? I didn't think that 'sorry' and 'apologize' were in his vocabulary.
"You're apologizing? Wait, I should ask, you can apologize?"
He laughed. I've never heard that before. I didn't think he could do that either.
"Yes, I am. Over the past three months I've been thinking of how fucked up my life has been. How angry I've been for being raised the way I was. How upset I've been due to the fact that I treated you and your mother that way. And oh, don't get me started on how I treated your boyfriend. What's his name again?"
"Jack." I responded. It doesn't seem like a name that's too hard to remember. Oh, well, he didn't care about him anyway, so why should he remember?
"Yes, Jack. My views have changed, and I know it sounds like I was just yelling at you yesterday, but I wasn't. I haven't for a while."
"Yeah, you've gotten much calmer, which is really weird." I raised an eyebrow and he laughed again. I've never seen him smile. His teeth weren't the cleanest, but it was amazing to see him happy. I've always wanted this. I never thought it would come, but it finally did.
"Look, Y/N. You are my daughter. You are grown. I'm finally taking into consideration what you've been saying for years now. You deserve a better life, and it's my fault. I've made your life worse. I beat you up and I beat up Jack. I don't care about his job anymore. Like, you said, as long as he's happy. And that goes for you too. As long as you are happy, I honestly don't care. I know I should've told you this a long time ago, but I didn't have those views a few months ago.
You are my everything, Y/N. You make me feel that this world is worth it, but I've never expressed that towards you. I've never shown it, or made you figure it out by yourself. You've always thought I hated you, right?"
"Yes, father."
"You don't have to say that anymore. Call me dad. Father seems too strict and formal." He smiled at me again and kneeled in front of me. "I love you, Y/N, and I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around me for a hug. His hands were cold.Much colder than I'm used to. But I enjoyed it. I've never felt my father's touch like this before. Or should I say, my 'dad's' touch.
I hugged him tight. I've been wanting him to love me for so long.
"Now, do you want to see Jack?"

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