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June 3rd

Dear Diary,

This morning I woke up at a decent time, but my father wasn't there...

I went over to my mother, who was in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" She called.

"Good morning, mother." I looked over her shoulder slightly to see what she was cooking. The smell of bacon ran through my senses. I took a deep breath and sat at the table.

After she finished cooking it, she placed the plate of bacon and eggs on the table in front of me.

"Be careful. It's hot." She smiled, and she headed back into the kitchen.

"Thank you." I moved the bright yellow egg yolk around my plate a little bit. "Mother? Where's father? I haven't seen him yet today."

"Oh! He went on a business trip to Edinburgh." She explained. "Sorry he didn't say goodbye to you."

"It's okay." I said.

He's never said goodbye to me. Not that I remember, anyway. Maybe when I was little, or something. But, never.

My mother sat down at the table with me. "So?" She started.

"So, what?" I started eating some of the bacon.

"Have you met anyone?"

I widened my eyes at her. What does she mean, met anyone? Like in general or at work? Is she talking about a specific gender? Does she think I have a boyfriend? My face flushed with embarrassment.

"Uh, no? Do you mean, like, at work?" I stuttered.

"Mostly, have you met any new friends. Or people who could be more than friends to you." She smirked at me and I blushed again.

Can you like, stop blushing for a minute?

"Um, no. Well, I met this guy named Jack."

"Tell me more!" She took a piece of bacon from my plate.

"Well, he's not my boyfriend or anything! He's just a friend. I met him a few days ago. He's a really nice guy, to say the least." I explained.

Then I thought of him.

That time when he almost ran me over with his bike.

When we shook hands for the first time.

When we took a ride through London on his bike.

When he sang to me.

What are you thinking? Stop! You're fantasizing about this guy you just met! You barely even know him!

Now that I think about it, him;

Jack, I should say, he's really nice. He's quite cute too. When his dark brown eyes pierced into mine for the first time, I thought it was just eye contact.

But no.

I call that a possible relationship right there.

It might be platonic at first.

But it could straight up be a relationship.

"Y/N?" My mother said. Her voice was hazy.

I snapped back to reality.

"I think you might like him..." She teased.

"What? No. I don't." I crossed my arms and sighed.

"Well, you were daydreaming for a few minutes after you said his name to me. I mean, you are blushing again."

"No I'm not!" I slapped my cheeks and laughed. "I doubt it was for a few minutes..."

"Alright, girl. You finish up your breakfast and go have some fun today."

"Thanks, mother."

I finished up my breakfast and went upstairs to my room. I jogged over to my table and grabbed my notebook and pen.

I ran back downstairs and went to the door. I took my hat off the hanging rack and the keys from the key basket.

"Bye, mother!"

"Goodbye! Have a good time! Spend some time with that Jack of yours!" She said.

I subtly smiled. "I will."

𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦, - 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now