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Ik u guys wanted to see my hair and I'm not positive when my next update will be cuz I have a lot of school work coming up and I'm going to state with band tomorrow so I figured I'd show u guys my hair before it faded to bad.

Here's the quick run down
•its actually a really really bright blue but incase u haven't noticed the lighting in school bathrooms is awful
•yes I had to bleach the ends but it didn't damage my hair becuz
(A) I had it professionally done
(B) I've been taking care of my hair forever so it's super duper healthy
•I used ManicPanic hair dye it's kinda pricey but it's amazing dye it runs about $10 a jar
• the shades were voodoo blue and atomic turquoise
~now I shall ask u questions~
Have u ever dyed ur hair an unnatural color?
Do u want to dye ur hair an unnatural color?
If you've had it done did u do it at home or get it done?
What brand of dye did u use?
What color would u dye ur hair?

So if u answer my questions I'll reply to u and if u need any tips or want to know any of my hair care secrets just message me

Luh u little penguins

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