One Bad Day

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I walk into the bathroom, handle my buss, clean my face, but then I look into the mirror. I see... A face, he looks so, Not there. He looks so, Alone. I wonder if he's always like this, He looks so Sad. Is he like that all the time? Wait I know that guy, He goes to high school with some black guy as a friend, He works at that cheap corner store. I think I know his name... My Name...

My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n, but since barely know me enough to use my Name people that meet me just call me Anon. I can remember all of my life just being so alone. My god I barely remember my parents, but I guess shit happens during... Freak Accidents. I Live Alone and now I'm gonna die Alone. I place a razor blade to my wrist a-

The door opens with a another guy entering the bathroom. He does his business, and says. 

"Bro if your gonna check out the game early, at least do it with style; If not, we have an hour to get to school. You can be melancholy after."

Anon stands there, with a blank expression for a moment as his roommate washes his hands, and he starts to chuckle as he does with you.

"Your a fuckin Asshole CeeJay."

He say as Anon places the razor down, and finishes cleaning himself up and getting dressed.

The two leave the apartment and go out into town. Its a poor town mostly, full a people good, bad too, but their to busy trying to get by like the rest of us to do any real harm. A good sized place outside the country in America. Anon and CeeJay did their thing as normally do, walking and talking as they walk the morning streets. The locals greeting each other as they pass, but as the two walk a large truck passes with a large Logo on the side. The wording DOATEC on the sides. CeeJay says to Anon.

"The fuck kinda name is that for a business? I've never seen them around before."

"I think they own a Fighting Tournament? They've had around 5 or 6? and a spin off show."

"Wonder what there doing around here for, This area isn't really "Arena Material." 

The two then continue their banter until Anon sees something out the corner of his eye. He looks in its direction to the top of a Building.

"What's wrong bro?"

"Ah, It's nothing, Come on were gonna be late."

Anon goes through the his day as normal, entering his classroom the teacher greeting him, some other students talking their usual shit, Him nodding and you Usually go into your bag, and pulling out your head phones with a smug smile on your face as everyone except the teacher ducks for cover, some of the students laughing it off. I guess that's pretty normal. Then class actually starting, Lessons being taut, questions being asked, and Homework being given.

This going about until lunch, It last about three quarters of an hour so he decides to stop by the ramen shop that was near by, getting himself and CeeJay some take out.

You walks down the streets, Seeing the advertisements for DOATEC already being plastered around the area. You roll your eyes, As you see your favorite Udon place, some one with a strange robe around their body walks past you. As they pass you call to them and say.

"Buddy, If you want to look like you don't want to be found, put on some ACTUAL clothes, shit like that only works in Movies."

You say chuckling, but you then hear a strange noise behind you, looking back you see a dust trail going upward, and a pink colored leaf floating in the breeze. You look around dumbfounded and then turn away not wanting to ponder. Entering the Udon shop you see everything has been utterly destroyed, Unconscious strangely clothed people on the floor, they look to be... Ninjas?

"What....The Fuck....Is going on here?"

The owner of the shop standing to his feet, with a panicked expression on his face. He runs to his phone speaking in panicked tone, but again seeing that he's okay and not in any injury, take your leave.

"Not gonna get mixed up in what ever that was"

You say to yourself, looking at the time seeing that you still have time to get some food, you take a walk at to the corner store you work at and get a bite to eat. After a short walk, and inside you waste no time in take some chips and some sandwich material, and a drink. You pay getting some banter from your boss.

"Anon, Your supposed to have the Day off, what you want here?" He says with a smile.

"Just need something to bite is all Mr. B, After this I might just come for work. I got Nothing to do today"

"Boy what have I told you about Over working yourself? You can't always work off the Depression, Just do what I do....Drink it instead!" he says with a smile on his face.

He says bringing out some cheap booze, Know better you say.

"If I'm going to drink, ill at least drink the stuff that hasn't expired in 1900s." You say with a smile on my face.

Later after your Lunch and Contemplation you walk back to your school, but this time you feel that your being watched. You look over your shoulder not only seeing the normal local crowd, you shake it off as you renter school and continue your day, but there is an odd-






Anon opens his eyes with a horrible ring in his ear, the smell of smoke burns his nostrils. You opens your eyes wide seeing trying to regain your awareness seeing the bright flames around. You try to stand to your feet, but feel a sharp pain in your leg causing a yelp of pain. Looking down you see a large piece of glass in your thigh. You look around for help, but only see the slain students around. Shock covers your face.

"Oh God, IS THERE ANYONE THERE!!! *hah HELLO?!!" You shout. 

The sound of the blaze the only thing sound in return. Anon again tries to stand to his feet, getting a small balance with his one leg. He walks through the flames slowly. As he does he looks out side seeing police and firemen getting people out, though glad their here Anon doesn't see CeeJay within the crowd or injured. The flames run through the halls as the smoke fills them. Strangely the fire system isn't putting out the flames. Anon pushes through the door to the stairs and staggers as he travels up. The sound of an explosion shakes the building as Anon holds on, trying to push through the pain. Pushes through the door and falls to his side, He yells as the pain shoots through his leg to his body.

"Not Like this. Not Like This."

He shakes as strains to stand on his feet, Anon's vision begins to blur as he starts to bleed out. He looks around as he sees a figure on the other side of the roof top, very blurred and can't make it out completely. You walk around the edge, the figure getting more and more clear. It was a Girl in a odd blue Ninja like uniform. She was terribly injured, but not from the Fire, As if she was attacked and left for dead, Anon seeing the blood spattered about the top of the roof. 

"What the hell happened to you?"

Anon places his hand on her neck and she seems to be alive. The building shakes again from another explosion the roof starting to crack, he quickly.

"We need to get out of here!"

He grabs the girl, and with what is left of his strength, carries her in his arms. He Again looks around for an escape, but finds nothing. He looks over the edge of the building seeing the school water stream. The drop a little far and the stream being to deep for both Anon and the Girl he is carrying.

"Uhhhhh! Oh Come One..."

Anon stands with doubt on his face as he looks at the drop, but the building shakes violently as it falls apart. With the Fear and Adrenaline running though him, He takes the unconscious girl and jumps from the building as it falls apart. Mid air Anon switches his body to protect the unconscious girl as they crash into the water below, and as everything goes dark.

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