Days Gone By

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---One Year Later---

CeeJay wakes up he looks around the in the dark room. He tries to move his arms and legs but is unable to move. He takes a sigh chuckling.

"Hunh... Must be Thursday."

He hears mechanical whirring around him. The pod he is in opens and releases him. He is pushed to his feet; He feels as if his body was filled with lead. He stands and looks around again seeing other pods, but they look to be the same person.

"Guess it's not Thursday, Where the hell are they taking me this time?"

The sound of the same noise and a loud alarm behind him. He turns to see a brown-haired girl with red ninja like garbs. She pulls out an Kanata an goes into a stance. CeeJay looks for a way to escape, only for the ninja to take a rush in his direction.

He tries his best to defend himself, ducking and jumping out the way of attacks and Danger, But only last for so long, the speed and ferocity of this Ninja are start to Wear down on CeeJays mediocre defenses. He is then grabbed and kicked in the back of his head knocking him out. He bleeds from his nose and strains to get push himself up, but stands to his feet, greatly dazed and his vision blurred. 

"Is that *Hah* All you got?" 

"Time Limit Reached, Test Subject Success"

The Ninja jumps away, disappearing from sight. CeeJay drops to his knees, taking sharp breaths of air. He then hears a Door open behind him, and a voice speaks to him.

"Are you alright?"

It's Been a good amount of time. Something about everything seemed, Less monotone. Kasumi has been nothing short of a big help to the town, even calling a friend of hers to help rebuild the school and help find some of the missing Students. She's been even supporting and helping me "Balance my inner self" , Protecting me, Her calling me Master is kinda reaching. Things have changed greatly, and....I Don't know how to feel.

Kasumi P.O.V


Anon groans as Kasumi calls to him, he turns over ignoring her. She giggles and persist by tickling his feet. Anon tries to hold his building laughter, She goes for his neck and sides, and Anon folds and chuckles awake. Kasumi jumps on top of Anon's lap with a smile on her face, He looks up to her with a small smile on his.

"Kasumi, it is about Four in the morning, What could have you possibly so excided?"

"I have news for you."

She says trying to drag Anon out of bed. He whines in annoyance, but gets up his bed and follows Kasumi. She pulls out a blue print and other papers, but with one of them she smiles as she hands one of them to Anon. He looks to her with a unsurprised look on his face.

"Take a look" She says with a smile.

You open the Roll on the table looking over it. As Anon does his eyes widen as he continues to read, and with a gasp of surprise.

"Is...It's CeeJay! He's okay, But with all this it's looks too dangerous. Even for you those "Clones" It seems like they're making an army, but Why is He there?"

"I Don't know, but we can finally get M.I.S.T out of Town, and Find your friend"

Anon takes a deep sigh. Kasumi notices this, seeing the worry in his eyes. He grabs his shoulders. "Your making the face again Anon..."

"What face?"

"The *I should help Kasumi, But I'm so useless* Face"

".....Well when you say it like that" He says making him feel worse. Kasumi takes Anon in her arms. "Don't worry Master Anon, I'll promise that I'll be fine"

Dead or Alive: Yandere Kasumi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now